
chuàn ɡònɡ
  • Collusive confession;act in collusion to make each other's confessions tally;collude with othes to devise consistent confessions n.confession in collusion;statement based on collusion
串供 [chuàn gòng]
  • [act in collusion to make each other's confessions tally] 同案犯人互相串通,编造口供

  1. 这些人相互串供,企图推翻原先的供词。

    They were in collusion and attempted to retract their testimony .

  2. 有毁灭、伪造证据或者串供可能的;

    If he may possibly destroy or falsify evidence , or collude with others to devise a consistent story ;

  3. 同时,可以保全证据,防止犯罪嫌疑人、被告人串供、毁灭、伪造证据以及干扰证人作证。

    At the same time , they could evidence preservation , prevent criminal suspects , defendants tally their confessions and destruction , forgery and disrupting the witnesses .

  4. 只需“咔哒”几下点击,大学毕业生们就能得到一长串供他们实习的公司的名称。

    IT takes only a few clicks for a college grad to get a long list of companies that he or she can look for an internship with .

  5. 犯罪情节特别严重,而且案发后在羁押场所拉拢、腐蚀看守所人员帮助她多次与他人串供,应依法予以严惩。

    Her crimes & especially that she seduced the warden at the detention center who helped her to collude with others to provide false testimony are indeed serious and justify severe punishment according to the law .