
  • 网络typical reporting;typical reportage
  1. 典型报道:渊源与命运

    Typical Reporting : Its Origin and Fate

  2. 意义的困惑&从典型报道看最近30年新闻理论的艰难探索

    Confused Meaning : 30 Years Rough Exploration of Journalism Theories with the Example of Typical Reporting

  3. 典型报道是我国新闻舆论引导的保留形式。

    Typical Report is the traditional form of the news report .

  4. 未成年人典型报道,是我国典型报道的一个分支,一个重要的组成部分。

    The typical minors report is one branch of typical report .

  5. 尽管有的学者曾大声疾呼:典型报道将走向消亡。

    Though some scholars said typical report will be disappeared .

  6. 典型报道的议程品种批量杂谈

    The Agenda of Typical Reports The Contradiction between Varieties and Production Rate

  7. 军事典型报道特色探析

    A Probe into the Traits of Military Model Report

  8. 典型报道是独具中国特色的一种宣传性报道。

    A typical report is a unique promotional coverage filled with Chinese characteristics .

  9. 1997年典型报道的回顾与思考

    The Review and Thoughts of Typical Reports in 1997

  10. 试论新形势下的典型报道

    The Typical Report Way under the New Situation

  11. 典型报道的传播效果研究

    The Analysis of Communication Effect of Model Report

  12. 典型报道一直以来都是电视新闻宣传的拳头产品。

    Typical report has long been the most competitive product in TV propagandistic news .

  13. 关于典型报道的思考

    Reflections on the Reports about the Typical Characters

  14. 十四大以来的典型报道研究

    The Typical Report Research Since The 14th Representative of the Communist Party of China

  15. 典型报道的思维方式

    The Thinking Mode of Typical Case Report

  16. 可是现在,典型报道特别是典型人物报道已经走入了一个困境。

    Nowadays , however , typical story especially typical character story is in a difficult position .

  17. 我国典型报道的宣传色彩浓厚,政治意图明显。

    The model report has very strong sense of advocacy and its political intention is obvious .

  18. 典型报道现实困境的再思考&基于多重维度的考量

    Rethinking the Practical Predicaments of Typical Reportage & In the Base of Thinking in Multiple Aspects

  19. 新时期,典型报道存在着哪些现实困境?

    Some practical predicaments exist in typical reportage in new period of time and what are they ?

  20. 《山西日报》作为我省的党报,以典型报道为其一大优势。

    Shanxi daily is a provincial Party paper , and typical report is one of its advantages .

  21. 重大主题深度开掘&《宁波日报》做强正面典型报道的探索与思考

    Significant Themes and Deep Exploration

  22. 典型报道中须注意的问题&以刘文功典型报道为例

    The Problems Calling for Attention in Typical Reports & Typical Report on LIU Wen-gong as an example

  23. 2007年江铃袁政海班组等一批优秀典型报道的涌现,让我们相信经过革新,典型报道将会踏上复兴之路。

    So we believe that through innovation typical report will set foot on the road to rehabilitation .

  24. 本文主要采用定性方法分析我国典型报道的议程设置过程及其效果。

    The paper gives qualitative analysis to the process and effect of agenda-setting of Typical Reports in China .

  25. 注重典型报道,发挥舆论监督作用,是新闻宣传舆论导向的一个重要内容和环节;

    In addition , priority should also be given to reporting model instances and bringing into play press supervision .

  26. 典型报道的演进历史正是这两个维度双向互动、相互博弈的过程。

    The history of typical reportage is the process that the two aspects are in interaction and game each other .

  27. 要深化典型报道,关键是在报导中必须注意历史的角度、美学的观点和哲学的高度。

    The key to deepen " typical report " is to notice historical angles , aesthetic viewpoints and philosophical level .

  28. 典型报道是我国传统新闻报道方式之一,也是社会主义新闻事业的独特景观。

    Typical report is one of the traditional news reporting in China , is also the unique landscape of Socialist journalism .

  29. 概念的本质由定义来传达。于是论文研究首先就从典型报道的定义开始。

    The essence of Typical Reporting is illustrated by its own definition , which is where the research paper starts focusing on .

  30. 一般认为,典型报道为前苏联特别是中国新闻传播事业的独特景观。

    It is generally recognized that the typical coverage is the " special landscape " of the former Soviet especially of Chinese journalism .