
  1. 我国1995年制定的《担保法》已对典型担保作了较完善的规定,而非典型担保在理论和实务中尚还薄弱。

    The Security Law enacted in 1995 has stipulated typical security , however the practice and theory of untypical security is still poor in China .

  2. 所有权保留制度以其独特的法律构造较好地平衡了买卖双方当事人的利益,具有典型担保所无法比拟的优越性。

    . The reservation of title system has been well balanced by its unique legal structure the round turns litigants ' benefit , has superiority which the model guarantee is unable to compare .

  3. 鉴于优先权既不同于普通债权,也与典型担保物权的特性不完全相同,因此可将其定位为准担保物权。

    Because priority is differ from common creditor 's right , also is not the same as characteristic of typical real right for security , so we can orientate it quasi - real right for security .

  4. 典型担保一般指民法典所规定的抵押权、质权和留置权,是以标的物设定具有担保作用的定限物权为构造形态的担保,担保权人享有的是定限性的权利。

    Generally speaking , typical security refers to hypothec , right of pledge and right of lien stipulated by code of civil law , and the real right of security set by which through subject matter is limited .

  5. 就留置而言,它也属于占有担保,仅适用于少数情形,并非典型的担保方式。

    As to lien , it only applies to a few cases so it is not a typical security .

  6. 关联担保是我国上市公司最典型的对外担保形式。

    Connected guarantee is the most typical form of the guarantee behaviors of Chinese listed companies .

  7. 例如,一个典型的按揭担保证券交易,包括重新包装价值数亿美元的几千笔按揭,而每个贷款人都有不同的信用记录。

    A typical mortgage-backed securities deal , for example , involves repackaging thousands of mortgages worth hundreds of millions of dollars altogether with each borrower having a different credit history .

  8. 在我国,留置权是一种法定担保物权,属于典型的保全型担保物权。留置权制度起源于罗马法恶意抗辩及欺诈抗辩之拒绝给付权。

    Lien is regarded as a form of statutory real right for security and a typical form of preserving real right for security .

  9. 指出:定金既有担保合同履行的作用,在一定条件下也是承担违约责任的一种方式,但本文主张定金并非一种典型定义上的担保方式,它不能保证当事人圆满地实现债权。

    At , the same time , The paper maintains that the deposit is not a typical means of guarantee , because it cannot realized the creditor , s rights .

  10. 纳税担保制度是公法借鉴私法制度的一个典型例子,纳税担保法律关系因兼具公法与私法因素而显得颇为复杂。

    Tax payment guaranty system is a typical example of that the public law uses for reference some systems of private law . Because it has factor from both public law and private law , the legal relationship of Tax payment guaranty is quite complex .