The Security Law enacted in 1995 has stipulated typical security , however the practice and theory of untypical security is still poor in China .
. The reservation of title system has been well balanced by its unique legal structure the round turns litigants ' benefit , has superiority which the model guarantee is unable to compare .
Because priority is differ from common creditor 's right , also is not the same as characteristic of typical real right for security , so we can orientate it quasi - real right for security .
Generally speaking , typical security refers to hypothec , right of pledge and right of lien stipulated by code of civil law , and the real right of security set by which through subject matter is limited .
As to lien , it only applies to a few cases so it is not a typical security .
Connected guarantee is the most typical form of the guarantee behaviors of Chinese listed companies .
A typical mortgage-backed securities deal , for example , involves repackaging thousands of mortgages worth hundreds of millions of dollars altogether with each borrower having a different credit history .
Lien is regarded as a form of statutory real right for security and a typical form of preserving real right for security .
At , the same time , The paper maintains that the deposit is not a typical means of guarantee , because it cannot realized the creditor , s rights .
Tax payment guaranty system is a typical example of that the public law uses for reference some systems of private law . Because it has factor from both public law and private law , the legal relationship of Tax payment guaranty is quite complex .