
Thirdly , after rejection the buyer has the security duty .
Warranty obligations of quality and warranty obligation of title are basic obligations of seller .
Acceptance of the system shall not release vendor from other warranty obligations with respect to the system .
They will move from separate to joint liability of sovereign debt guarantees , possibly leading eventually to a eurozone bond .
The author discusses the insurant 's assistant duty and assurance duty and its legal mechanism through the effect of insurance subrogation .
Tourism contract is the contract that tourism operators provide tourists with tourism service and tourists pays the tourism operators with the traveling expense .
The civil obligation of sponsor includes the information & disclosure obligation based on law , and the contract obligation based on the recommending agreement .
In the latest development , Evergrande said two of its subsidiaries had failed to uphold guarantee obligations for $ 145 million worth of wealth management products .
Sponsors sponsors in the process of including the three stages of the statutory obligations , recommended due diligence obligations , continuing obligations of supervision , disclosure of information security obligations .
In all legal relations , the sponsor 's most essential identity is that he / she acts as the guarantee obligator of his / her clients ' disclosure of legal information .
In the Roman Law , the liability assumed by the seller to the right of subject is named obligation of guarantee when seizing ; and the liability about subject is blemish guarantee .
The internal validity results from between the parties of the assignor and the assignee , concerning the transfer of right , subordinate right , the assistant obligation , the right flaw guarantee of the assignor .
Owes to the bidder and the buyer the duty to tell the defect of the property , to secure the fair competition , to deliver the property and transfer the ownership , to warrant the defect ;
Warranty obligations of quality mean that the seller should guarantee that the goods which he supplies conform to any provision of the contract or statutory , otherwise the seller will bear the liability for breach of contract .
The pre-delivery inspection shall not substitute the inspection of the Contract Equipment at the port of Unloading and / or the Job Site and shall not release the Seller from its guarantee obligations as further specified in the Contract .
The essence of responsibility is the strength in law of the right , the existence of responsibility is a kind of state , it is shown as a state of guarantee fulfilling obligations of obligator and a state fulfilling obligations by force when not fulfilling obligations .
The seller shall undertake an obligation of warrantee , that is , the seller warrants that the ship at the time of delivery is free of all charters , encumbrances , mortgages and maritime liens or any other debts whatsoever . This is called " Encumbrances under NSF " .
IBM makes no representations , warranties , or other commitments whatsoever about any non-IBM Web sites or third-party resources that may be referenced , accessible from , or linked from this document .
The guarantor shall be entitled to claim compensation from the guaranteed after the guarantor has performed his guaranty obligations .
In August , a group of 11 non-bank lenders wrote to top Communist party officials in Hebei province warning of " unnecessary social influence " if the government failed to bail out Hebei Financing and thus enable the guarantor to honour its obligations and insulate investors from losses .
The blemish guarantees that responsibility is that the finger violates civil liability born by blemish assurance duty .
With the enforcement of new Company Law , a company should obtain a collective agreement when it intends to provide guaranty for domestic shareholders or other individual debt . As a guarantor , it has the responsibilities to have a check on its form .
Where the consent of the guarantor and the approval of the administration of foreign exchange are not obtained , the guaranty obligations of the guarantor shall be released automatically .
Once the corporation performs guaranteed obligations , it will bring so much pressure that the corporation 's everyday administration and the shareholders ' and the creditors ' benefits can be effected .