
  1. 公司对外担保效力的实务解读

    Practical Analysis on A Company ' Effect of Guarantee

  2. 公司对外担保效力研究

    Study on a Company 's Guarantee Effect

  3. 其次,从法理上对财产保全是否应具有担保效力进行了探讨。

    Then it makes a jurisprudential discussion on whether property preservation should have guarantee validity .

  4. 再次,从立法层面上,就财产保全在立法上体现分析其具有担保效力。

    Thirdly , it analyses whether property preservation have guarantee validity based on its legislation embodiment from the legislation level .

  5. 认为注意义务与相对人善意存在矛盾时,认定担保效力应以善意而定。

    That the duty of good faith and relative man of contradictions , the security force should be determined in good faith may be .

  6. 通过对国外财产保全担保效力实现方式的研究,对我国的立法现状进行了介绍与评价。

    By researching the realization of the guarantee validity of property preservation in foreign countries , this part introduces and evaluates the legislation of our country .

  7. 要讨论财产保全是否具有担保效力,首先要明确什么是担保效力,这一部分就从这点入手,首先介绍了担保和担保效力。

    To discuss whether property preservation has guarantee validity , we should make clear what guarantee validity is firstly . This part starts from it and introduces guarantee and guarantee validity firstly .

  8. 对于楼花按揭抵押是否具有物的担保效力问题,现行《担保法》及其解释尚未明确,在理论上和法律适用中均存在很大争议。

    There is no definite explanation on whether the home mortgages have the effect of material guarantees in the existing Guaranty Law and there is a good deal of controversy in both theory and practice .

  9. 最后借助国外的先进立法,提出了对我国财产保全担保效力实现方式的建议。

    By taking example by the overseas advanced legislation , it gives suggestion on the realization of the guarantee validity of property preservation of our country and the coordination between property preservation and related systems .

  10. 由于通过上面的研究认为财产保全具有担保效力,接下来就会出现财产保全与同样具有担保效力的担保物权之间应如何处理关系的问题。

    Through the research above , property preservation has guarantee validity . Then there will be a problem that how to handle the relationship between property preservation and real rights for security which has guarantee validity too .

  11. 微观信贷风险结构由信贷业务的三个风险基点&贷款用途、客户信用和担保效力的不同组合构成,具有时变属性。

    The basic three points of credit risk , which are loan-using , customer credit , loan guarantee , make up of different microscopic risk structures by different combinations . And microscopic risk structures can be changed with time going by .

  12. 浮动抵押结晶后,发生固定担保的效力。

    When crystallizes , floating charge becomes fixed charge .

  13. 质押物评估结果的准确和可信度直接影响担保的效力。

    Accuracy and credibility of results have played important role on the effectiveness of guaranty .

  14. 公司对外担保的效力认定一直是理论界及实务界讨论的热点问题之一。

    The identification to legal validity of external guarantee by company is one of the most debated issues both in theory and practice .

  15. 论公司为股东或个人债务担保的效力&兼评新《公司法》第16条

    On a Company 's Effect of Providing Guaranty for Shareholders or Individual Debt & Also a Comment on Article 16 of New Company Law

  16. 对独立担保的效力的绝对否定有无理论缺陷和实践弊端,应如何正确确定独立担保的效力与后果,对此作了分析并提出了相应的立法建议。

    This paper not only analyses whether the negation about independent guarantees has any theoretical defect or practical drawback , and also put forward some advice on legislation .

  17. 但是现行《公司法》的相关法条仍有瑕疵,特别是没有依法律规定的程序为股东提供担保的效力问题没有明确规定。

    However , the revised " Company Law " relevant legal provisions are still flaws , especially on the board of directors to shareholders guarantee the problem is not clearly defined .

  18. 这主要表现在税收优先权的产生时间以及税收优先权与担保债权效力位序冲突等问题上存在诸多的疑惑与争议。

    This is particularly reflected in the generated time of tax priority , and it has a lot of controversy and disputes in effect conflict between tax priority claims and secured claims .

  19. 指出浮动抵押的效力以及与其他担保物权效力的优先顺序,浮动抵押权实现的方式和程序。

    Point out that the effect of the floating charge , its ' priorities compared to other real rights granted by way of security as well as the way and procedure of its realization .

  20. 第三部分:税收优先权与无担保债权的效力位序。

    Part III : Research on effect conflict between tax priority and unsecured claims .

  21. 优先受偿性不是抵押权的属性,而是抵押权担保债权的效力。

    The priority of claim is not the property of mortgage but the validity of security of mortgage .

  22. 公司为股东担保的法律效力及商业银行的对策建议

    Legal Force of Guarantee Provided by a Company to Its Shareholders and Some Countermeasure Proposals to Commercial Banks

  23. 第三,董事、经理越权对外担保的合同效力。

    Moreover , the validity of guarantee contract may vary on different circumstances . Third , the validity of ultra vires external guaranty contract , which concluded by directors or managers .

  24. 论担保物权期间的效力

    On the Efficacy of Time Period in Real Rights for Security

  25. 论抵押权与其他担保物权竞合的效力

    The Effect of Mortgage Concurrent with Other Real Rights of Security

  26. 担保物权的优先效力冲突问题研究

    A Study on Conflicts of Prior Force of Real Rights for Security

  27. 论公司的担保能力及担保效力&对新《公司法》第16条的解读

    Discussing the Capacity of Corporate Guaranteeing and Guarantee Effectiveness & From the Perspective of Article 16 of the New " Company Act "

  28. 第四章论述了留置权的效力范围、留置权与其他担保物权竞合的效力及留置权的排除;

    The effect shut and factor influencing lien effect that scope of validity , lien and other real right of pledge of lien compete that chapter four will expound the fact ;

  29. 在新《公司法》的法律构架下,学术界对董事会做出的为股东或实际控制人担保的决议的效力仍然存在分歧。

    In the new " Company Law ", the academic community are still different at the effectiveness of the decision to guarantee for shareholders or actual controllers made by the board of directors .

  30. 在对案例进行分析的基础上,结合现行《公司法》的相关规定,对公司为股东担保问题,特别是股东担保效力问题提出一些看法和建议。

    In case analysis , based on the combination of the revised " Company Law " and relevant provisions of the security interests of shareholders , especially shareholders , the Board of Directors resolution to the issue of security to make some observations and suggestions .