
dà jiàng
  • senior general;senior admiral;VIP;high-ranking officer
大将 [dà jiàng]
  • (1) [senior general;senior admiral]∶军衔。将官的最高一级

  • (2) [VIP]∶比喻某一集团中的重要人物

  • (3) [high-ranking officer]∶高级将领的泛称

  • 当罗马大将恺彻未到时。--[英]赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

大将[dà jiàng]
  1. 吴登盛是一位退休不久的将军,曾在军方铁腕人物丹瑞大将(SeniorGeneralThanShwe)领导下的军政府中担任了四年总理,在那段时间里,他鲜有建树。

    Thein Sein , a recently retired general , had made little impact in four years as prime minister during the junta led by army strongman Senior General Than Shwe .

  2. 联合国秘书长潘基文说,他希望会见缅甸的丹瑞大将和其他高级政府官员。

    The U.N. chief says he hopes to meet Burma 's Senior General Than Shwe and other top government officials .

  3. 他赢得了冠军,尽显大将风度。

    He won the championship in great style .

  4. 他真还有点大将风度。

    He has , indeed , the way of great generals .

  5. 本场比赛使球队折损了两员大将。

    Two major players are lost in this game .

  6. t也不应该做得比需要的更大,因为修正装置阻尼过大将使陀螺在修正过程中偏离垂线过多。

    T should not be made larger than necessary since excessive erector damping causes the gyro to overshoot the vertical during erection .

  7. 西汉时代有个很有名的大将军名叫李陵,他骁勇善战,百战百赢。

    Li Ling was a great general during the time of emperor Han Wu-di . He was a very good fighter , and he won every battle .

  8. 广州恒大将参加下个月在摩洛哥举行的国际足联俱乐部世界杯(FIFAClubWorldCup)赛。

    Evergrande will compete in next month 's FIFA Club World Cup in Morocco .

  9. 2011年11月,上海证大将其中一半地块出售给复星国际,并将另外10%的权益出售给开发商绿城中国控股有限公司(GreentownChinaHoldingsLtd.,简称:绿城中国)。

    In November 2011 , it sold half the property to Fosun and another 10 % stake to developer Greentown China Holdings Ltd.

  10. 这个计划公布一周前,通用汽车(GeneralMotors)宣布计划投资10亿美元,在印度市场开发新车型,并将其在浦那市郊有7年历史的老厂,扩大将近一倍。

    A week earlier , General Motors announced plans to invest $ 1 billion to develop new car models for the Indian market and nearly double the size of its 7-year-old factory on the outskirts of Pune .

  11. 然后呢,大将军出来,像IkeandMonty那样。

    After that , the big generals would go over - like er ... Ike and Monty .

  12. 2014年出任罗意威(Loewe)创意总监的J∠圠褠德森(JWAnderson)也是路威酩轩的麾下大将,可能脱颖而出接任迪奥创意总监。

    Anderson , who was appointed creative head of Loewe in 2014 , is another member of the LVMH stable who could be in the running .

  13. 苏格兰队主帅GeorgeBurley说他的队长弗莱彻本可能成为卡佩罗阵中的一员大将,因为他出生于英格兰和苏格兰的边界。

    Scotland 's manager George Burley has claimed that his captain , Darren Fletcher , would be part of Fabio Capello 's England set-up had he been born on the other side of the border .

  14. 姚明在NBA的职业生涯中所铸就的伟大将在其他方面得以延续——他所从事的事业,重返校园,成为了CBA球队的老板。

    The greatness of Yao Ming will extend well beyond his NBA career - from the causes he 's involved in , to his return to school , to his ownership of a team in the Chinese Basketball Association .

  15. 届时,来自韩国的大将POONGKO也将参与到霸者的争夺战中。

    Then , from South Korea will also participate in the general POONGKO Bazhe the battle .

  16. 等离子弧热喷涂的工作气体流量不宜过低,当低于20L/min实验所用的等离子设备将无法正常工作,相反气体流量太大将会冷却等离子弧焰流,导致沉积率显著降低。

    The equipments of plasma arc spraying can not work normally when use a flux of work gas less than 20L / min. The plasma arc blaze will be cooled down and the deposit speed will reduce when use a excessive flux of work gas .

  17. 金正银可能只有27岁。到现在为止,关于这位年轻的新大将,唯一的公开信息来自曾为金正日做寿司的日本厨师藤本健二(KenjiFujimoto)。

    Until now , the only public information on the young new general , who is probably only 27 years old , came from Kenji Fujimoto , a Japanese sushi chef who worked for Kim Jong-il .

  18. 那就尽大将军的职责去搜捕他们。

    Then it 's the superintendent 's duty to arrest them .

  19. 大将军召集了一批不同等第文人。

    The general summoned a group of scholars at different levels .

  20. 跟他说我想和庞贝大将军通信。

    Tell him I wish to correspond with Pompey the great .

  21. 幸好这对关大将军来说并不成问题。

    Luckily , that wasn 't an issue for the general .

  22. 群落中幼苗密度较大将促进1年生幼苗的生长。

    Higher seedling density is favorable to the growth of one-year-old seedling .

  23. 壮族的英雄、家族与民族神:以桂西岑大将军庙为例

    The Zhuang People 's Hero , Clan and National God

  24. 孟诶副大将是一个真正的军人,以战场为生。

    Vice Snr-Gen Maung is a real soldier and a battle-oriented person .

  25. 但是你的军队不会有大将军领军。

    But you march with no general in your lead .

  26. 今年,贷款可扩大将近两倍,达350亿美元。

    This year , lending could almost triple to U $ 35 billion .

  27. 你知道一个大将军叫拿破伦,在1812发动了大规模的进攻,因为冬天太冷了。

    Napoleon 's offensive against Russia in1812 failed because of the cold winter .

  28. 他自封幕府将军“征夷大将军”。

    He makes himself Shogun , or " commander-in-chief for suppressing barbarians " .

  29. “科大将成为全亚洲最顶尖的大学。”她说。

    " HKUST will become the top university in Asia ," she said .

  30. 他是当朝第三的大将军。

    He is the third general of the Dynasty .