
  • 网络Fund management fees;management fee
  1. 基于委托代理理论的基金管理费研究

    The Research of Fund Management Fees Based on the Principal-agent Theory

  2. 近年来我国基金管理费问题比较突出。

    The question of China 's fund management fees seems in recent years particularly outstanding .

  3. 论对基金管理费的规制

    On Regulation of Fund Management Fee Fee & Charge Change into Taxation

  4. 基金管理费制度安排的激励效应与优化选择

    Incentives on Funds Management Fee and Optimized Option

  5. 近年来,关于基金管理费收取方式的争议颇多。

    There are many disputes about the management fee of fund in recent years .

  6. 基金管理费的法律规制&美国法实践及借鉴

    Legal Regulation of Fund Management Fees

  7. 基金管理费由客户支付,而非该公司。

    Fund management fees are paid by the client and not by the private investment office .

  8. 基金管理费的提取方式不科学,没有对基金管理人形成有效的激励;

    The existing abstraction way of the funds administration expense does not form effective encouragement to funds managers ;

  9. 在基金管理费的问题上,基金管理人与基金持有人之间存在严重的利益冲突。

    On the problem of the fund management fee , there is seriously benefits conflict between the fund administrator and fund holder .

  10. 养老保险基金的管理费问题研究

    Research on the Administrative Charges of Pension Fund

  11. 财政行政主管部门、审计部门应当加强对待业保险基金及其管理费收支的监督。

    The competent financial administrative institutions a'nd the auditing institutions shall increase supervision of the proceeds of unemployment insurance funds a'nd their management fees .

  12. ETF的跟踪误差主要受到三个因素的影响:申赎量的变化、基金分红以及管理费、托管费和其它费用。

    The tracking error of ETFs are mainly affected by three factors : the purchase and redemption of ETF , dividends , fund management fee and custodian fee and some other fees .

  13. 得出的结论为:将基金的年管理费规定为基金资产净值的2.5%,使投资者的福利有所损失;

    The conclusion is that when the annual management fee is regulated into 2.5 % of the net asset value , it will lose the loss of investors benefit ; at the same time , the incentive effect of fund manager is not good .

  14. 由于现今国内对基金缺乏有效的管理费激励机制,使基金经理有可能做出有损投资者利益的行为。

    Since the lack of an effective management fee mechanism , the fond manager in China take the action that damage investor benefits probably .

  15. 百仕通获得从基金投资人手中收取管理费的权利,它将为此而向美银美林付出多高的价格,目前还没有得到披露。

    The amount that Blackstone will pay BofA ML for the right to collect management fees from investors in the fund hasn 't been disclosed .

  16. 作为一种被动式管理的债券基金,它的管理费及开支比率远低于主动式管理的基金。

    As a passively managed bond fund , the management fee and expense ratio of the PAIF are substantially lower than those of actively managed funds .

  17. 由此可确定这些基金在正常费用下相应的基金管理费大小。

    From this we can determine these investment funds ' base fees .

  18. 结果表明:基金业绩、规模在2000年和2001年是影响基金管理费的主要因素;

    The findings show that fund performance and scale are main factors of influencing fund management fee in 2000 and 2001 ;

  19. 咨奔商务咨询表示,在中国基金公司公布的利润中,约有80%至85%来自它们从开放式基金中收取的管理费。

    About 80-85 per cent of profits reported by fund companies in China come from the management fees they generate from open-ended funds , according to Z-Ben Advisors .

  20. 种子投资人提供资金、协助推介,有时可能还会给对冲基金带来好名声,作为回报,投资人将获得对冲基金的股权以及约定时间内的部分基金管理费收入。

    In exchange for money , marketing , and ( sometimes ) prestige , seeders get some combination of an equity stake in the business and a cut of the fee income generated by the fund for an agreed upon period of time .