
  • 网络Fund initiator;Sponsor;fund sponsors;Fund Promoter
  1. 1997年11月颁布的《证券投资基金管理暂行办法》中规定,基金发起人可以申请设立开放式基金,也可以申请设立封闭式基金。

    Issued in November of 1997 stipulates ," the fund promoter can either apply to set up open-end fund or to set up closed-end type " .

  2. 基金契约是基金发起人,或者基金发起人委托的基金主要发起人依法律规定与基金管理人、托管人订立的规范证券投资基金运用的契约。

    The contract of Fund is a kind of contract which is made by the fund sponsor , or funds entrusted to sponsor the main sponsor of the Fund in accordance with the law and the fund managers , trustees , to standardize the use of securities investment fund contract .

  3. 德国的一些银行为基金发起人购买新船提供贷款,直至它们通过kg基金筹集到股权资金。

    Some German banks offered fund organisers loans to pay for new ships until they could raise equity through kg funds .

  4. 基金发起人南方基金管理公司和基金持有人配售价格均为每份基金单位1.01元人民币。

    The placement price to both the funds-initiator , South funds management co. , ltd. , and the funds-holders is rmb1.01 for each unitfund units .

  5. 在风险资本投资的每一个领域里,无论是代表基金发起人和投资者,还是代表筹资的公司,美富律师事务所皆胜人一筹。

    Morrison & Foerster is a recognized leader in all aspects of private equity investing , from representing fund sponsors and investors to companies looking to raise additional financing .

  6. 超出部分由本基金的发起人按比例认购,投资者不得认购。

    The over-subscription shall be subscribed by the initiators of the funds rather than the investors in proportion .

  7. 风险资本家作为风险投资基金的发起人与风险基金投资人组成有限合伙制的风险投资公司。

    As sponsors of venturing found , venture capitalists create Investment Corporation Limited . Found investors also create the corporation .

  8. 在我国,基金管理公司既是发起人、持有人,又是管理人。

    In China , fund management company is not only the organizer but also the holder and the administrator .