
  • 网络laser industry machining
  1. 平顶高斯光束的光强分布为均匀平顶形式,它在激光工业加工、军事、医疗及激光惯性约束聚变等领域中有重要的应用价值。

    The field distribution of the Flattened Gaussian beam across the waist plane is flattened . For several applications it is of great value .

  2. 因此对多自由度激光加工工业机器人虚拟加工技术的研究具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , research of virtual processing technology of laser processing robot with multi-DOF is necessary .

  3. 高强度的激光可用于产品工业加工、驱动核聚变甚至用作激光武器。

    High-energy laser can be used in processing products , triggering nuclear fusion and even in making laser weapon .

  4. 随着激光技术的发展和日益完善,大能量长脉冲固体激光在工业加工、医疗、国防事业以及科学研究等领域中的优势越来越明显,但是大能量、高质量激光输出的激光器存在很多技术瓶颈。

    With laser technology becoming more perfect , large-energy long-pulse solid laser has shown its advantages in many areas such as industrial processes , medical , national defense and scientific research and the demand for large-energy high-quality laser output increasingly obvious .