
  • 网络fertilizer industry;chemical fertilizer industry
  1. 活化MDEA脱除气体中CO2在化肥工业中的应用

    Application of CO_2 in Activating MDEA Removed Gases in Chemical Fertilizer Industry

  2. 通过分析我国化肥工业的现状与存在问题,探讨加入WTO对化肥企业的影响及化肥行业所需采取的对策。

    Through the analysis of the today 's situation of the chemical fertilizer industry in china discuss the effect on the chemical fertilizer industry and its strategy to be adopted after China 's participating in WTO .

  3. 化肥工业废水成分复杂,COD及NH3-N浓度高,处理上有一定的难度。

    The chemical fertilizer wastewater with high concentration of COD and NH 3 N is complex . Therefore , it is relatively difficult to be treated .

  4. 该方法以我国庞大的化肥工业为基础,以NH3作脱硫剂,将火电厂烟气中的SO2回收后生产高效化肥。

    This method is backed up by Chinese tremendous fertilizer industry , employs NH 3 as the sulfur removal reagent , and produces high effective fertilizer with recovered SO 2 from flue gas .

  5. 化肥工业废水中COD、NH3-N等污染物浓度较高,若不能有效地加以控制和处理,将对水资源与自然环境造成严重的污染和破坏。

    Fertilizer industry wastewater contains high concentrations of COD , NH3-N as well as other pollutants . It will cause serious pollution on the water and natural environment if the wastewater is discarded without effective treatment .

  6. 化肥工业废水是氨氮污染物的主要来源,其中尿素生产过程中产生的含尿素(CO(NH2)2)高氨废水尚无成熟的治理技术,对其研究具有重要意义。

    The contamination of Ammonia-nitrogen in water mainly comes from the chemical fertilizer industry discharged . There is no matured treatment technology for high ammonia wastewater which brings by the production of urea , so the research of ammonia treatment technology is very important .

  7. 目前,我国高浓度化肥工业NH4Cl废水排放的问题仍然是一个亟待解决的问题,因此,研究经济有效地处理NH4Cl废水的技术具有十分重要的现实意义。

    However , to study the economical and efficient technology of dealing with the high concentration of ammonium-chloride industrial waster water was much of important .

  8. 对河南化肥工业调整和振兴的认识和思考

    Understanding and Thinking of Adjustment and Revitalization of Henan Fertilizer Industry

  9. 21世纪我国化肥工业的展望

    Prospects for Chemical Fertilizer Industry in China in the 21st Century

  10. 关于我国化肥工业当前发展的几个问题

    Some problems about current development of China 's fertilizer industry

  11. 化肥工业气化型煤工业性试验研究

    Industrial test and research on gasification moulded coal in chemical fertilizer industry

  12. 我国化肥工业现状及产品结构讨论

    Chemical Fertilizer Industry Status in Our Country and Discussion on Product Structure

  13. 化肥工业生产废料中钴的分光光度测定

    Spectrophotometry of Cobalt in Waste Material of the Fertilizer Industry

  14. 规整填料在化肥工业吸收塔上的应用

    Application of regular Packing to Absorption Tower in Fertilizer Plant

  15. 化肥工业在循环经济中持续发展

    Continued Development in the Circulation Economy of Fertilizer Industry

  16. 世纪之交的山西小化肥工业

    Shanxi Small Size fertilizer Industry for the Coming Century

  17. 《化肥工业》创刊30周年回顾

    30 Years of Publication of " Chemical Fertilizer Industry " Periodical in Retrospect

  18. 试论我国化肥工业的发展和经济效益

    On development of chemical fertilizer industry in our country and its economic effects

  19. 消化吸收引进技术完善化肥工业国产化

    Realizing Localization of Fertilizer Industry by Using Imported Technology

  20. 现代农业与化肥工业的发展前景

    The modern agriculture and prospects for fertilizer industry

  21. 化肥工业生产氢气。

    It 's produced in the fertilizer industry ;

  22. 我国化肥工业市场分析及发展趋势

    The analysis of the chemical fertilizer industry market and its developing trend in China

  23. 关于发展化肥工业,提高我国粮食增产潜力的建议

    Increasing China Grain Yield by Developing Fertilizer Industry

  24. 面临环境挑战的化肥工业前景

    Perspective of fertilizer industry facing environment challenge

  25. 循环经济与化肥工业的研究与发展

    Circulation Economy and Development of Fertilizer Industry

  26. 近年亚洲化肥工业中硫磺的供需状况

    The supply and demand status of sulfur in fertilizer industry of Asia in recent years

  27. 详细论述了我国化肥工业当前发展中的5个热点问题,有针对性地阐述了作者的观点。

    Five hot points in current development of China 's fertilizer industry are discussed in detail .

  28. 随着化肥工业的发展,化肥的负作用会逐渐减小。

    With the development of chemical fertilizer industry , their negative effects will gradually become insignificant .

  29. 在我国化肥工业发展中实施替代工程的设想

    The Tentative Plan of Implementing Substitutional Engineering in The Development of China 's Chemical Fertilizer Industry

  30. 化肥工业中的水管理

    Water management in chemical fertilizer industry