
huà xué wū rǎn wù
  • chemical pollutants
  1. 这些化学污染物据美国清洁空气法案定义,目前还不在空气污染物的标准中。

    These chemical pollutants are currently not a criteria air pollutant , as defined by the U.S. Clean Air Act .

  2. 这让我感到惊奇,因为这些化学污染物,根据我的研究,我发现他们对哮喘病人的健康有极其负面的影响,因此应该被列入规范中。

    Which is surprising to me , because these chemical pollutants , through my research , I show that they had a very large negative impact on the lung health of asthmatic patients and thus should be regulated .

  3. 我们每天都会通过空气、水和食品接触到数量惊人的化学污染物。

    We are exposed to an overwhelming number of chemical contaminants every day in our air , water and food .

  4. 甲醛(HCHO)是室内空气的主要化学污染物之一。

    Formaldehyde ( HCHO ) is one of the main indoor air pollutants .

  5. 能源循环释放的辐射和化学污染物致体细胞HGPRT基因位点突变的比较研究

    Comparison of somatic mutation frequencies at HGPRT locus induced by radiation and chemical pollutant from energy system

  6. 获得融资的公司之一是英国康沃尔郡的AdvancedOxidation。该公司利用金刚石能够产生电流的电子特性,对化学污染物进行降解。这项技术具有在发展中国家应用于水净化的潜在前景。

    One company that it has backed is Advanced Oxidation , based in Cornwall in the UK , which uses the diamonds ' unusual electrical properties to generate electrical current to degrade chemical pollutants , so potentially helping to clean up water supplies in developing nations .

  7. 二维对流扩散方程的控制体有限元法数值模拟化学污染物的质量守恒方程采用依赖于时间的对流扩散方程的隐式特征线Galerkin方法进行离散和求解,其中污染物的浓度作为基本未知量。

    The mass balance equation governing the chemical pollutants is discretized and solved by using the implicit characteristic Galerkin method for time-dependent convection-diffusion equations , in which the pollutant concentration is taken as the primary variable .

  8. 纵观IAQ发展的历程,在西方发达国家经历了颗粒物污染阶段以及高浓度化学污染物污染阶段,如今正走向低浓度污染和微生物污染阶段。

    Looking into the process history of IAQ , it is found that the western countries had experienced particle contamination and high concentration chemical contamination , and now are experiencing low concentration chemical contamination and microbe contamination .

  9. 浅谈环境化学污染物的雌激素效应&环境雌激素

    Discussion on estrogenic effects of environmental Chemical Pollutants & Environmental Estrogen

  10. 成都市城乡居民总膳食中化学污染物污染状况的研究

    A study on chemical pollutant in Chengdu inhabitant 's total diet

  11. 密闭舱内大气微量化学污染物的定性定量分析

    Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Trace Chemical Contaminants in a Space Cabin

  12. 室内气态化学污染物吸附净化材料的研究

    Research on Adsorption Decontamination Materials for Indoor Gaseous Chemical Pollutants

  13. 渤海化学污染物入海通量研究

    Study on the Main Pollutant Fluxes Flowing into the Bohai

  14. 典型化学污染物在环境中的变化及生态效应&国家自然科学基金八·五重大项目介绍

    Changes of typical chemical pollutants in the environment and their ecological effects

  15. 环境化学污染物对线粒体呼吸链系统作用机制的研究进展

    Advances in Study on Effecting Mechanism of Environmental Chemical Pollutants to Mitochondria

  16. 海洋中的主要化学污染物及其危害

    The Chemical Pollutants and their Harms in the Ocean

  17. 环境化学污染物对人类的生殖危害

    The Harmful Influence of Environmental Chemicals on Human Reproduction

  18. 广东省食物中化学污染物的网点监测与动态分析

    Network monitoring and dynamic analysis of chemical contaminants in agricultural products in Guangdong

  19. 在环境化学污染物中,砷是最常见、最严重的污染物之一。

    Arsenic among chemical elements pollution is one of the most serious pollutants .

  20. 中山市食品化学污染物调查分析

    Investigation of Chemical Contaminants in Foods of Zhongshan City

  21. 超声降解水体中化学污染物的研究现状

    Study on ultrasonic degradation of chemical pollutants in water

  22. 测定鱼类摄食量的几种化学污染物质量平衡模型

    Introduction to chemical contaminant mass balance models for quantifying food consumption in fish

  23. 蔬菜主要化学污染物分析研究

    Study and analysis of major chemical contaminants in vegetables

  24. 2000-2005年广东省食品化学污染物网络监测与危害分析

    Monitoring and Risk Assessment of Chemical Pollution of Foods in Guangdong During 2000-2005

  25. 广州市越秀区2007-2008年食品中化学污染物检测结果分析

    Food Contamination with Chemical Contaminants in Yuexiu District , Guangzhou from 2007 to 2008

  26. 深圳蛇口生活饮用水化学污染物分析及其致突变性研究

    A Study on the Chemical Pollutants and Mutagenicity of Drinking Water in Shekou Shenzhen

  27. 1992年中国总膳食研究&化学污染物(二)不同年龄组的比较

    The Chinese Total Diet Study in 1992 & Chemical Contaminants (ⅱ) Different Age sex Groups

  28. 食物中的化学污染物与人体摄入量

    Chemical Contaminants in Food and Dietary Intake

  29. 这让我感到惊奇,因为这些化学污染物,根据我的研究,

    Which is surprising to me , because these chemical pollutants , through my research ,

  30. 开发能把各种化学污染物无害化的实用技术是环境保护的关键。

    The critical of environmental protection is exploring practical technique of intoxication of chemical pollutants .