
  • 网络Motivation Time
  1. 训练激励时机选择的策略

    Tactics Selection Of Impelling Opportunity In Training

  2. 研究激励的时机,不仅有助于丰富和发展激励理论,对于广大体育工作者,尤其是教练员敏锐地觉察,巧妙地运用时机,取得理想的激励效果也是大有裨益的。

    Studying the opportunity of encouragement is not only helpful to enrich and develop encouraging theory , but also helpful for many physical educators especially the coaches to have a sharp sense , seize the opportunity skillfully and get ideal encouraging effects .

  3. 但伯南克警告,如果激励手段的时机不对,或者加大了本已相当严重的长期财政挑战,那么它可能会起到“反效果”。

    However , Mr Bernanke warned that it could be " quite counterproductive " if the stimulus was provided at the wrong time or aggravated already serious long term fiscal challenges .

  4. 管理中激励人的最佳时机

    The Optimal Opportunity to Encourage People in Management

  5. 提出了我国天然气工业价格管理体制改革的路径:改革传统价格规制,实行以价格为主体的激励规制体系,时机成熟的条件下放松规制。

    The price management structural reform course of the Chinese natural gas industry is put forward : Substituting price incentive regulation system for traditional price regulation , on due time put deregulation into effect .

  6. 领导者如何有效地激励下属,激励的时机是否恰当,直接关系到激励的效果。

    How the leader inspires the subordinate staff and whether inspiration in well-timed and opportune are closely related to the effects of inspiration .

  7. 其中启动机制完成对股权激励计划中激励对象、激励工具、股权数量、股权来源、激励时机、股权管理等各关键要素的系统性、连贯性设计,促成股权激励从设想到实施的实质性突破。

    Start mechanisms includes the coherent design of incentive target , incentive tools , the number of shares , stock sources , incentive opportunity , stock management and other key elements , so to promote stock incentive from the tentative plan to substantive breakthrough .