
  • 网络Lincoln
  1. 百度试图通过与北汽控股(BAIC)和奇瑞(Chery)等中国汽车制造商建立合作关系,来研发自动驾驶技术。百度已在加州用林肯汽车进行了道路测试。

    Baidu had sought to develop autonomous driving technology through partnerships with Chinese carmakers such as BAIC and Chery , with which it has road-tested Lincoln cars in California .

  2. 林肯汽车计划打造精品化的经销商以增加吸引力。

    Lincoln plans to enhance its appeal by offering a boutique feel in its dealerships .

  3. 加上大陆轿车,福特在中国销售的林肯汽车将达到五款。福特首席执行官马克·菲尔茨(MarkFields)称这对于一个新品牌来说是“颇有意义的进展”。

    With the addition of the Continental , Lincoln will have five models available in China , which Ford 's chief executive , Mark Fields , called " meaningful progress " for a fledgling brand .

  4. 福特中国首席执行长罗礼祥(JohnLawler)周四表示,与中国本地生产的其他车型相比,林肯汽车的定价将具有竞争力。

    Ford China Chief Executive John Lawler said Thursday that Lincolns will be ' competitively priced ' with locally made rivals .

  5. 今年晚些时候,随着MKC车型投放市场,预计林肯汽车销量将实现增长。林肯MKC是一款小型跨界车,以福特翼虎(Escape)(在中国被称为六和(Kuga))为蓝本开发,但外形不同。

    Later this year , the brand 's sales should jump as it begins selling the MKC , a small crossover built on the same underpinnings as the Ford Escape -- known as the Kuga in China -- but with a different look .

  6. 这家美国汽车制造商表示,将从2014年下半年开始在中国销售林肯汽车。

    The US carmaker said that it would sell Lincoln cars in China from the second half of 2014 .

  7. 去年,福特林肯汽车在美国的销售量达到10.1万辆,同比增长7%。

    Ford sold 101000 Lincolns in the United States last year , an increase of 7 percent from 2014 .

  8. 因此盖茨的反攻计划是从汽车行业乃至起居室设备入手,将微软同步播放音乐和接听电话的技术整合到所有的福特、福特水星、林肯汽车2009年新款车模型上。

    Instead gates planned to bounce from cars_microsoft 's sync technology for playing music and making phone calls should be in all ford , mercury and Lincoln vehicles in the2009 model year_to the living room .

  9. 福特周四表示,计划到2016年通过中国50个城市的60家经销商销售五款美国产林肯汽车。目前林肯汽车在中国还缺乏正式地位。

    The Dearborn , Mich. , auto maker said on Thursday that its plans by 2016 to sell five U.S. - made Lincoln models through 60 dealerships in 50 cities in China , where the brand currently lacks a formal presence .

  10. 就像行驶在曼哈顿市中心的林肯城市汽车,看起来并无亮点,同样,之前的ThinkPad笔记本在外型上一直以求稳著称。

    In the same way a Lincoln Town car might cut an innocuous profile whizzing across the streets of midtown Manhattan , previous ThinkPad notebooks have made a virtue of playing it safe looks-wise .

  11. 福特林肯美国汽车工业史上的神来之笔

    An Inspired Passage of American Auto Industry & Lincoln Ford

  12. 在美国市场,受林肯城市(TownCar)系列车型逐步退市影响,去年林肯汽车销量小幅下滑不到1%,至81694辆。

    In the U.S. , Lincoln sales declined slightly in 2013 -- a drop of less than 1 % , to 81694 -- as the brand dealt with the phaseout of the Town Car .