
  • 网络rover
  1. 他的受害者包括英国政府和英国石油,前者被迫撤回对罗孚汽车(rover)的支持,后者则成为因化学品市场价格操纵问题而被罚款的众多公司之一。

    His victims included the British government , which was forced to scale back its support for the Rover car group , and BP , which was among a group of companies fined for price - fixing in the chemicals market .

  2. 收购罗孚汽车的财团也没有起死回生的良方,只好在2005年停产了事。

    The Rover car consortium failed and production ceased in 2005 .

  3. 罗孚汽车公司被迫降价,但麻烦并未就此结束。

    The Rover car company was forced to cut prices , but its problems didn 't end there .

  4. 发言人表示,南京方面今年将生产约1000至1500辆罗孚汽车,公司正努力为罗孚明年重返欧洲市场建立库存。

    Nanjing will produce about 1,000 to 1,500 of the cars this year , he said , as it seeks to build up inventory in preparation for the cars ' re-entry to European markets next year .

  5. 今年3月份,这两家公司将在国内市场展开竞争,各自推出基于罗孚75汽车打造的竞争车型,因为它们均收购了罗孚75汽车的部分技术。

    In March , the two companies will be fighting it out in the domestic market over rival versions of cars based on the Rover 75 model because both acquired some parts of the technology behind the car .

  6. 一位熟悉此笔交易的人表示,交易可能在9月份完成,这样上汽就能在即将在华投产的罗孚设计的汽车上,使用罗孚商标。

    According to one person familiar with the sale , it is likely to be completed in September , allowing SAIC to put the Rover badge on Rover-designed cars it will soon start building in China .