
  • 网络Ross Model
  1. 现代资本结构理论主要包括罗斯模型、利兰&派尔模型、优序融资理论的信号模型以及包括代理成本说、财务契约论的代理理论两方面内容。

    It consists of informational models including Ross model , Leland Pyle model , Peking order theory and agency theories including agency cost theory and financial contract theory .

  2. 面对程序崩溃,我们往往要经历一个情绪变化的过程,先是束手无策的暴怒,最后,即使不是库伯勒-罗斯模型中(Kubler-Ross)的无奈接受,至少也表示出一点理解。

    The experience of dealing with a software bug can involve an emotional journey that starts with helpless blind rage and ends with , if not a Kubler-Ross style of acceptance , then at least a little empathy .