
  • 网络financial modeling;Financial Model
  1. 服务组合(serviceportfolio)和所有权必须被管理起来,而且必须有一种交付和维服务护的财务模型。

    The service portfolio and ownership must be managed and there must be a financial model to deliver and maintain the service .

  2. 建设移交(BT)项目财务模型影响因素分析和比较

    Analysis of Influence Factor of Financial Model for BT Project

  3. 在此基础上,利用沪、深房地产公司数据,通过因子分析法对基于VaR的新模型和传统财务模型进行了实证分析。

    On this basic , according the data of listed company in Shanghai and Shenzhen , we made empirical analysis on the evaluation model and then made model checking on it by the method of factor analysis .

  4. 产品回收处理的财务模型及其应用

    Used Products ' Recovery : A Financial Model and Its Application

  5. 最终,财务模型的重要性比不上常识。

    Ultimately , financial models are less important than common sense .

  6. 他说:这影响了我们所有的财务模型。

    It is affecting all of our financial models , he says .

  7. 为所有股票构建财务模型。

    Construct financial models for all the names .

  8. 矿产资源评估中的财务模型

    The Financial Model in Resource Estimation

  9. 财务模型包含了关系的经营,投资,或投资变量基于会计准则的一般规则。

    Financial model contains the relationship between business , investment , or investment variable based on the accounting standards .

  10. 再次,建立财务模型,计算出净现值、内部收益率、总投资回收期三个主要财务评价指标,从财务角度确定项目的可行性。

    Third , establishing financial model , working out " NPV "," IRR "," Total Pt " three financial index , so confirming the feasibility study in financial way .

  11. 财务模型:尽管激烈的竞争正导致单个产品单元的成本和价格下浮,但与新产品相关的复杂性和成本却在持续升高。

    Financial Models : Although increased competitive pressures are causing individual product unit costs and prices to fall , the complexity and cost associated with new product solutions continue to grow .

  12. 本文在规范研究的基础上,以我国换股合并的案例资料为背景,结合财务模型进行合并效应分析。

    Research in this article norm on the basis of our country in order to exchange information on the merger case in the background , combined with the financial model analysis of the effects of mergers and acquisitions .

  13. 本文从理论和实践紧密结合的角度,对评估企业价值的两种主要财务模型进行分析与比较,试图说明理论证明:用现金流量折现模型和经济利润模型计算出的企业价值是一致的;

    From angles of both theory and practice , This paper analyzes and compares two main financial models assessing value of enterprise , try to illustrate that theory prove that values of enterprise counted by the cash flow discounting model and the economic profit model are equal .

  14. 浅谈如何运用Excel建立财务分析模型

    How to Establish the Analysis Module of Finance Using Excel

  15. 最后运用主成分分析法和Logistic回归的方法构建财务预警模型。

    Finally uses principal component analysis and Logistic regression model to construct financial warning model .

  16. 基于SPSS分析平台的上市公司财务预警模型

    Financial affairs failure prediction model about companies listed on stock markets based on SPSS platform

  17. 第四部分是基于EVA的财务预警模型的实证研究。

    The fourth part is the empirical study of EVA 's use in the Financial Early-warning Model .

  18. 然后通过Logistic回归方法构建了基于现金流量的我国上市公司财务预警模型。

    Then Logistic regression was constructed to build a financial risk forewarning model of listed companies in China based on cash flow .

  19. 利用人工神经网络BP算法建立项目财务评价模型,用模糊数学的隶属函数描述评价指标。

    Man-made neural net BP algorithm is adopted to establish project finance evaluation model . Subordinated function of vague maths is used to describe evaluation index .

  20. 基于熵权TOPSIS的上市公司财务评价模型及石化行业的实证

    The Financial Evaluation Model of Listed Companies Based on Entropy-Weight TOPSIS and Empirical Studying on Petrochemical Industry

  21. 最后,我们引入SVM模型,分别构建了提前一年、提前两年和提前三年的财务预测模型。

    Lastly , applying of SVM model , the one year prior and two year prior as well as three year prior financial predicting models are built .

  22. 因此可以得出结论:在中国制造业上市公司中,利用BP神经元网络技术建立财务预警模型对未来可能到来的危机进行预测,更为准确和有效。

    Therefore it can be concluded : Chinese manufacturing listed companies to establish financial early warning model based on BP neural network technology to predict the possible arrival of the crisis onthe future , more accurate and effective .

  23. 将主成分分析(PCA)和支撑向量机(SVM)结合,提出了一种分行业、适用小样本空间的财务预警模型:PCA-SVM模型。

    This paper proposes a new method : PCA-SVM model which is composed of PCA and SVM to classify the state of enterprise through finance data .

  24. 通过构建三个财务预警模型,并运用logistic回归分析,探讨代表各方面的变量所组成的各种模型对企业财务危机发生概率的预测能力。

    By constructing three financial early warning model , and by using the logistic regression analysis , exploring the various aspects of the variables that are composed of a variety of model of enterprise financial crisis occurrence probability prediction ability .

  25. 其次,通过聚类和Fisher判别分析构建了上市公司并购绩效综合财务评价模型,研究表明:由此得出的并购绩效评价模型对样本公司具有较好的评估效果。

    So a scientific evaluation system should correctly diagnose the risk of a company . secondly , The article establish an integrative appraisal model of M & A performance by cluster analysis and Fisher discriminant analysis .

  26. 在对国内外财务预警模型进行分析的基础上,选用了logistic回归方法来建立我国上市公司财务失败的预警模型;

    Then based on the introduction and appraisal of the domestic and foreign forewarning models , the logistic regression method is selected to build the model for listed companies in our country , and the real diagnosis analytic method is utilized to verify its effectiveness .

  27. 然后,利用人工神经网络在建立财务预警模型方面优于其他线性和回归模型的特点,基于B-P模型构建了一个新的混合财务预警模型。

    Then , as artificial neural network is better in constructing financial prewarning model than other linear and regression models , a new financial prewarning model based on B-P model was constructed .

  28. 与传统企业的财务预警模型不同的是,T-3年的数据所包含的财务危机预警信息已经不高。

    Being different from the early warning model for common enterprises , information for early warning contained in the data of T-3 year is not high .

  29. 基于检验样本的财务预警模型超前2年的预测结果则显示:相对于传统的财务评估体系,融入VaR参数后的上市公司的财务风险回归模型在T-1年、T-2年的超前预测能力都更准确一些。

    The results based on the financial pre-warning model test sample shows that : the prediction accuracy of the financial evaluation system pre-warning model with VAR contained is more than the traditional financial evaluation system pre-warning model both in T-1 years and in T-2 years .

  30. 可持续增长财务管理模型是建立在一系列假设条件基础上计算出满足公司资本结构和经营效率的销售收入可持续增长率SGR,并以此为依据对销售收入进行日常控制和未来规划。

    Sustainable growth , financial management model based on series of assumes illustrates the sustainable growth rate ( SGR ) which accords with the capital structure and operational efficiency . With the SGR we can control and plan the growth level of sales revenue .