
  • 网络ethics management
  1. 企业管理的道德选择是管理学理论从科学管理、行为管理发展到伦理管理阶段出现的必然趋势。

    The moral choice of enterprise management is a necessary tendency along with the management theory developing from science management ? behavior management to ethics management .

  2. 以人为本的管理原则,企业伦理管理推行,诠释着人性之律的认识,演绎着管理伦理结合之路。

    The humanist management principle and carrying out the enterprise ethics management explain law of the annotation human nature understanding , deduct road of the management ethics union .

  3. 儒家伦理管理思想的时代价值

    Confucianism Thoughts of Humanistic Management Remain Value in the Contemporary Chinese Society

  4. 中韩企业伦理管理存在差异;

    The differences of ethical management between Chinese and Korean enterprises exited .

  5. 中国家族企业伦理管理模式的现代解读

    Modern Explanation of Ethic Management Modes in Chinese Family Enterprises

  6. 教育目标的伦理管理研究

    The Study of the Ethic Management of Educational Objectives

  7. 不仅理论界,而且世界上许多著名的企业也从各自的实践出发,积极探索对企业的伦理管理。

    The fields of theories and enterprises are actively exploring the theory of enterprise ethic management .

  8. 根据日本的法律与映画伦理管理委员会规定,影像输出的画面不能出现性器官。

    According to Japanese law and motion picture Ethics Commission provides image output screen can not appear genitals .

  9. 企业内部伦理管理的制度与组织建设相对滞后,严重影响我国企业向国际型企业转变。

    Their internal management systems and organizational ethics have fell behind , and seriously effect on enterprises ' international transformation .

  10. 中韩企业不同部门员工的伦理管理存在差异;

    The differences on the four factors of ethical management between Chinese and Korean employees in different departments were significant .

  11. 应该从企业文化以及企业内外部环境方面实施有效的企业伦理管理。

    The valid management should be carried out through the aspects on enterprises culture and environment in and out enterprises .

  12. 伦理管理与中小型民营企业的发展&透视泉州企业的用工荒

    Ethical Management and Development of Private Enterprises in Middle-Small Size & A perspective on " shortage of workers " in Quanzhou enterprises

  13. 研究伦理管理,特别是研究教育目标的伦理管理,这是一个新的视角。

    The study of the ethic management , especially the ethic management of educational objectives , is a new perspective of management and education studies .

  14. 结果:1.中韩企业员工企业伦理管理的四个因子差异显著,且中国员工得分高于韩国员工;

    Results : 1.The differences on the four factors of enterprise ethical management between Chinese enterprises and Korean enterprises were significant , and the scores of Chinese employees were higher than those of Korea .

  15. 在行政伦理管理机构方面,笔者建议在人事部门设立相关机构,负责对行政伦理法规的制定、修改和废除向人大提交草案,并负责对行政人员进行教育、培训等。

    The author suggests the administrative organization of administrative ethics system should be in our personnel department and its main duty is : formulate standards and law of administrative ethics and educate the administrative personnel etc.

  16. 本文力求通过中外企业伦理管理状况的比较分析,结合我国实际与传统的经济伦理思想,对构架具有中国特色的企业伦理管理模式进行探索。

    The paper analyzed the different ethical management of comparatives in home and abroad , combined with Chinese actual and traditional economic ethical thinking , did research on the enterprise management model with Chinese characteristics for ethical exploration .

  17. 在具体分析过程中,增加了金融生态环境这个综合性环境因子,同时,将企业伦理管理、压力管理的研究成果应用到内部控制管理上来,为内部控制管理进一步拓宽了思路。

    Specific analysis process , and increase the financial ecological environment comprehensive environmental factors , at the same time , business ethics management , stress management research applications to the internal control management up further broaden the idea of internal control management .

  18. 目的:研究中韩两国企业伦理管理情况,找出两国企业伦理管理存在的跨文化差异,为企业更好地实施企业伦理管理提供借鉴。

    The cross-cultural differences in ethical management of enterprises between Chinese and Korea was found , and some useful methods on the enterprises ethical management was provided by research on the present condition of ethical management of enterprises in China and Korea .

  19. 中韩企业员工伦理管理的差异不仅受中韩两国企业的文化影响,而且受两国企业外部法律制度、政府和消费者以及企业内部制度、组织结构和管理者道德意识等方面的影响。

    The differences of staff ethical behavior between China and Korea were influenced not only by the differences on culture , but also by the differences on law system , government , consumers , the systems of enterprise , organize structure and manager ethical consciousness .

  20. 儒家管理思想,以仁为本初步建立了以爱人贵民为中心的伦理管理模式,主要包括为政以德、知人善任、见利思义等管理思想,体现出人本主义管理的重要特征。

    Regarding ren as the core , Confucianism has established the ethical management mode centered on benevolence to others and civilians , which primarily includes such thoughts as ruling by morality , knowing people and being good at appointing people and thinking the righteousness as seeing the benefit .

  21. 南京汽车(nanjingautomobilecorporation)收购了英国汽车厂商mg,南汽英国公司董事会王宏彪显然不太欣赏英国的工作伦理或管理风格。

    Wang Hongbiao , the senior UK executive of Nanjing Automobile Corporation , which has taken over mg , apparently does not think much of the British work ethic or management style .

  22. 人类基因增强的概念和伦理、管理问题

    On the Concept , Ethics and Administration of Human Gene Enhancement

  23. 强调这些文化模式的经济伦理和管理意义;

    Their implicatures for economic ethics and management are emphasized .

  24. 伦理化管理思想是时代发展的必然趋势。

    Ethics management thought is an irresistible trend of the development of the times .

  25. 从开颅戒毒谈医疗机构医学伦理委员会管理的立法

    Advice of Legislation about Ethic Committee of Hospital

  26. 企业健全的内部管理机制对企业伦理化管理实践有积极影响;

    Perfect internal management mechanism has the positive influence to the business ethics management practice ;

  27. 管理伦理是管理学和伦理学交叉研究的一个崭新课题。

    Management ethics is a new subject on the cross-study of management science and ethics .

  28. 伦理型管理&民营企业成功的人力资源管理模式

    Ethical management & the pattern of human resource management leading to the success of private enterprise

  29. 作为一种控制机制而存在是会计伦理的管理学特征。

    It is the management feature of accounting ethics to exist as a kind of control mechanism .

  30. 公共伦理是管理学和伦理学发展到一定阶段的必然产物,同时也是管理和伦理具有内在统一性,管理呼吁与伦理相结合的理论要求的体现。

    The public ethics is an inevitable result that management science and ethics have developed to a given stage .