
  • 网络Public;the public sector
  1. 公共部门的薪资也很可能受到重创。

    Public sector pay is also in line to be hit hard .

  2. 对于公共部门的工作人员而言可谓祸不单行。

    This is a double whammy for public sector workers

  3. 政府准备严格控制公共部门的工资增长。

    The Government were prepared to keep a tight hold on public sector pay rises

  4. 辛格先生想在国家公共部门为下层印度人保留职位,这是一种积极的区别对待。

    Mr Singh wanted to reserve places for low-caste Indians within the country 's public sector , as a form of positive discrimination .

  5. Autonomy的研究部主任威尔·斯特朗说:“这项研究表明,世界有史以来公共部门最大型的短周工作制试点在各个方面都取得了压倒性的胜利。”

    Will Stronge , director of research at Autonomy , said : " This study shows that the world 's largest ever trial of a shorter working week in the public sector was by all measures an overwhelming success .

  6. 多数人都理解政府和企业在社会中的角色,也知道“公共部门”和“私人部门”。然而,很少有人知道社会的“第三部门”,第三部门关注于满足社区中公民的需要。

    Most people understand the role of governments and corporations2 in society and know the terms " public sector " and " private sector . " However , few people know anything about a third sector of society that is focused on meeting the needs of citizens in communities .

  7. 企业大学这一现象已经渗透到公共部门,英国的国民健康服务大学(nationalhealthserviceuniversity)最为引人注目。

    The phenomenon has even permeated parts of the public sector , most noticeably the National Health Service University in the UK .

  8. 就如PartnersinHealth的创始人保罗•法默(PaulFarmer)所说:“非政府组织能够且应该加强衰落的公共部门。”

    As Paul Farmer , the founder of Partners in Health , puts it : " Nongovernmental organisations can and should strengthen the faltering public sector . "

  9. 以BSC为依据的KPI是我国公共部门绩效管理的发展方向。

    KPI based on BSC is the direction to which Chinese performance management of public sectors develops .

  10. PPP的突出特点是公共部门向私人部门转移风险和私人部门向公共部门传递现金价格。

    The outstanding characteristic of PPP is that public sectors transfer risks to private sectors and private sectors pass VFM to public sectors .

  11. 当亨利管理学院(henleymanagementcollege)重新设计其mba项目时,它决定不为占学员总数近20%的公共部门学生设计独立的课程或者选修科目。

    When Henley Management College was redesigning its MBA programme , the school decided against standalone classes or electives for public sector students , who comprise about 20 per cent of the class .

  12. 他们估计,2009年底中国公共部门债务占国内生产总值(GDP)的76%;他们担心,由于增长过度依赖通过举债筹集的资本投资,公共部门债务将出现不可阻挡地增长。

    They worry that public sector debt , which they estimate at 76 per cent of gross domestic product at the end of 2009 , will increase inexorably because so much growth depends on debt-financed capital investment .

  13. 加入WTO,有助于公共部门利用市场机制配置公共人力资源,改变管理观念,推动管理现代化,但是,也会加剧公共人力资源在区域间和部门间的配置失调。

    WTO entry is of helpful for public department to dispose public human resource , change management sense and promote management modernization according to market regulation . However it can also aggravate the imbalance of public human resource disposition among areas and departments .

  14. 它们并没有提供对Web2.0的全面描述,而仅仅重点介绍了商业和公共部门的组织想要利用的一些最为常见的功能。

    They by no means provide a comprehensive description to Web2.0 , but do highlight some of the most common capabilities that commercial and public-sector organisations are seeking to exploit .

  15. 结论是,高技术产业大中型企业的TFP对产出增长起了主要作用,公共部门的研究与发展投入是促进TFP增长的重要因素。

    The factors include not only the native research development ( R D ) expenditure , but also the foreign R D expenditure , according to the TFP growth .

  16. 除了拯救两家GSE,别无选择,而且把它们放在公共部门之内,比放在公共部门之外更好。

    There was no choice but to save the GSEs and it is better that they are within the public sector than outside it .

  17. PPP模式下公共部门和私人企业共同参与公共项目的建设和运营,共同分担风险,发挥各自的优势以便更好地为社会提供公共服务。

    Under ppp mode , the public sector and private enterprises participate in public construction projects and operations , share the risks , and exert their own advantages to provide better provision of public services together .

  18. 据英国教育研究机构HighFliers称,投行、公共部门雇主、会计师事务所和专业服务机构以及消费品企业的毕业生申请人数比前一年增加了至少10%。

    According to High Fliers , the UK education research group , graduate applications have increased by at least 10 per cent on the previous year in investment banks , public sector employers , accounting and professional services firms , and consumer goods companies .

  19. 随着越来越多的组织运用全面质量管理(tqm)作为提高竞争优势的途径,tqm已超出了竞争性企业的范围,而逐渐被推广到公共部门中来。

    As more and more organizations apply the TQM as a tool for promoting their competitive edge , the TQM application has been gradually extended from the competitive business firms to the public sector .

  20. 乐观人士指出,意大利及日本等国的公共部门债务多年来一直维持在GDP的100%以上,即便如此,仍无须面对令人畏惧多时的算总账的一天货币崩盘或者市场拒绝进一步放贷。

    Optimists point out that countries such as Italy and Japan have sustained public sector debts of more than 100 per cent of GDP for years , without ever facing that long-dreaded day of reckoning when the currency collapses or the markets refuse to lend any more .

  21. PPP项目特许期及在此基础上的控制权配置,其本质是公共部门与私人财团紧密合作应对特许期内可能发生的各种不确定性,进而实现双方之间的风险分担和利益均衡。

    The Concession period of PPP project and the control rights allocation , are essentially the risk sharing and benefits balanced between the parties for the public sector and private financial to the effective response to the uncertainty in the concession period .

  22. 非政府公共部门是社会公共部门的一个重要的组成部分,包括各种公益性、互益性活动的非营利民间组织,国外通常叫NGO或者NPO。

    Non government public sector is one of the most important parts of the social public sector , including nonprofit civil organizations ( usually called NGO or NPO overseas ), engaged in all kinds of commonweal and mutual beneficial activities .

  23. 通过面向老年人的医疗保险制度(medicare)和面向穷人的医疗补助制度(medicaid)等项目,医疗覆盖范围将会扩大,但已经占据了美国多数药品采购的公共部门的作用也会进一步加强。

    But increased medical cover , through programmes such as Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for the poor , will further increase the role of the public sector , which already accounts for the majority of US drug purchases .

  24. 根据波士顿退休研究中心的艾丽西亚芒奈尔(aliciamunnell)的说法,公共部门的年均养老金仅为两万美元,这远远低于平均工资水平。

    According to Alicia Munnell of the centre for retirement research in Boston , the mean public-sector pension is just $ 20000 a year , well below the average wage .

  25. 作为欧洲最大经济体全面财政紧缩计划的一部分,德国总理安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)昨日公布了总额逾800亿欧元的大规模支出削减计划,此外还将裁减至多1.5万个公共部门的工作岗位。

    Drastic spending cuts totalling more than € 80bn ( $ 96bn ) were unveiled yesterday by Angela Merkel , German chancellor , on top of up to 15,000 job losses in the public sector as part of a sweeping austerity package for Europe 's largest economy .

  26. 欧洲央行和日本央行(BoJ)合力完成了一出了不起的把戏,即让厌恶风险的国际投资者将一个公共部门债务达到GDP226%的国家的债市视为稳健的押注。

    The ECB and the Bank of Japan have between them pulled off the remarkable trick of making the bond market of a country where public sector debt reached 226 percent of gross domestic product last year look a sound bet to risk-averse international investors .

  27. 瑞穗欧洲公共部门与企业债资本市场主管莫文琼斯(MorvenJones)表示:自金融危机爆发以来,企业一直急于取悦尽可能多的贷款银行,因此我们看到,担任账簿管理人的银行数量有所增多。

    Since the crisis , companies have been keen to keep as many lending relationship banks happy , so we have seen a rise in the number of bookrunners appointed , said Morven Jones , head of public sector and corporate debt capital markets for Europe at Nomura .

  28. 希腊必须缩小公共部门,裁减公务员。

    Greece needs a smaller public sector , with fewer employees .

  29. 另一种差距存在于私营与公共部门的雇员之间。

    Another is between workers in the private and public sectors .

  30. 问问自己,你在公共部门做些什么。

    Ask yourself what you are doing in the public sector .