
  1. 公共管理文化的生成与发展

    The Generation and Development of Culture in Public Management

  2. 营造人人有责的公共安全管理文化环境。

    Build up the enviroment of public safety management system culture that every one contains responsibility .

  3. 对学校及周边地区的治安管理具有公共行政管理、文化形态管理、社会治安管理等性质。

    The public safety administration for these areas has such nature as public administrative management , cultural ideological management and social public safety management .

  4. 首先从新公共管理与行政文化的基础理论入手,分别分析了二者的内涵、功能等,并指出了运用新公共管理分析行政文化的必要与可能。

    First of all , we start with the basic theory of the new public management and administrative culture , analysis their connotation and function , and pointed out the necessary and possibility of it , using the new public management to analysis administrative culture .

  5. 公共管理实践的根源在于人类共同利益的存在,随着共同利益的发展变化,公共管理实践的形式、内容也发生变化,由此而引起公共管理文化的发展变化。

    Activities of public management originate from the existence of common human interests . As the common interests further develop , the forms and the contents of the activities are also changing , so public management culture varies accordingly .