
  1. 本文从历史演变角度将财务契约理论分为财务约束研究和控制权配置研究。

    I divide the theory into financial constraint study and control right allocation study .

  2. 第五部分为财务契约理论综述。

    Section 5 reviews financing contract theory .

  3. 现代财务契约理论依据契约是否完备的观点,分为完备财务契约理论和不完备财务契约理论。

    According a complete point of view , Theoretical basis of modern financial contract is divided into complete financial contract theory and incomplete financial contract theory .

  4. 本文将从财务契约理论的角度对国有企业融资结构存在的问题进行分析,指出这些问题存在的根本原因。

    This article will analysis the existing problems of the state-owned enterprises ' financial with financial contract theories , point out that the root causes of these problems .

  5. 按照现代经济学的观点,契约理论分为古典契约理论、新古典契约理论和现代契约理论,财务契约理论是现代契约理论的重要组成部分。

    In accordance with the view of modern economics , contract theory is divided into classical contract theory , new classical contract theory and modern contract theory , the financial contract theory is an important part of modern contract theory .

  6. 现代资本结构理论主要包括罗斯模型、利兰&派尔模型、优序融资理论的信号模型以及包括代理成本说、财务契约论的代理理论两方面内容。

    It consists of informational models including Ross model , Leland Pyle model , Peking order theory and agency theories including agency cost theory and financial contract theory .