
  • 网络financial structure;fiscal structure
  1. 第三部分利用国际比较分析法,试图找出大国间教育财政结构的国际平均值和发展趋势。

    Section 3 comparatively analyzes the international financial structure of public education .

  2. 19世纪60-90年代清朝财政结构的变动

    Changes of the Financial Structure in the 1860s - 1890s

  3. 中国经济转型中的二元财政结构研究

    China 's Dual-finance Structure in the Process of Economic Transition

  4. 其次,确保东电公司财政结构调整的安全。

    Second , to ensure that Tepco 's financial restructuring is safe .

  5. 怎样调整我国教育财政结构?

    How to adjust the structure of public educational finance in our country ?

  6. 教育财政结构合理的标准是什么?

    What is the standard of the reasonable structure of public educational finance ?

  7. 教育财政结构问题研究

    Research in the Structure of Public Educational Finance

  8. 我希望政府能坚持这一计划,树立可持续的财政结构。

    I hope the government follows this plan diligently and creates a sustainable fiscal structure .

  9. 如今在我国,政府大幅度增加教育支出困难重重,因而,优化教育财政结构在实践中就显得较为可行。

    In our country , it is very difficult to increase government expenditure in education .

  10. 为了达到这两个目标,政府积极促进财政结构的自主改造。

    To achieve these two objectives , the government is taking the initiative in promoting independent financial reconstruction .

  11. 因此,在基本公共服务均等化的趋势下,县级公共财政结构如何优化就成为必须探讨的问题。

    Particularly in the trend of equalization of basic public services , how to optimize the structure of the county public finance has become a worth exploring issue .

  12. 因此,欧盟成员国需要从根本上改革其经济与财政结构,加强欧元区内部的合作和监管,加强财政纪律约束。

    Therefore , the EU member states need fundamentally reform its economic and financial structure , strengthen the cooperation and supervision and enhance financial discipline within the euro area .

  13. 我相信节约对于有序生活的关键性,我信奉无论对于政府、商业还是个人事务,经济是健全的财政结构的首要因素。

    I believe that thrift is essential to well ordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure , whether in government , business or personal affairs .

  14. 避免保护主义,确保我们为了经济增长和创造就业机会一起携手努力,对于我们的财政结构采取长期和中期负责任的方法。

    To avoid protectionism , to ensure that we are working hand-in-hand to both grow the economy and create jobs while taking a responsible approach long term and medium term towards our fiscal structures .

  15. 为了从职能上区分政府的行政管理职能与国有资产管理职能,准确、客观地评估双元财政结构中公共财政与国有资本财政的各自效率,有必要建立相对独立的国有资本财政预算体系;

    In order to distinguish administrative function and state-owned assets management function of government and estimate the efficiency of public finance and state capital finance , we should establish an independent budget system of state capital finance .

  16. 然后以近代九江的开埠为连接点,在对近代九江开埠后江西财政结构的演变及其发生这种演变原因的基础上来分析财政对江西社会发展的影响。

    And then The opening of Jiujiang port provides a connection to explore the impact of finance on the development of Jiangxi on the basis of the Modern Evolution of the financial structure and the reasons for this evolution after the opening of Jiujiang port .

  17. 通过运用复旦大学历史地理研究中心提供的GIS数据所作出的地图,来表达财政的结构层次。

    And the structural level of finance is represented by the maps made by using the GIS data provided by the Research Center of the History and Geography of Fudan University .

  18. 信用评级机构惠誉(fitch)表示,西班牙新政府“必须拿出雄心勃勃、大刀阔斧的财政和结构改革计划,给投资者带来惊喜”。

    Fitch , the credit rating agency , said the incoming Spanish government " must positively surprise investors with an ambitious and radical fiscal and structural reform programme " .

  19. 把财政与结构改革、EIB和欧盟委员会的投资、开放服务市场以及促进人员流动结合起来,将产生效果。

    The combination of fiscal and structural reforms , EIB and EC investments , the opening of service markets , and easing the movement of workers will pay dividends .

  20. 仍然无助于重大的财政和结构改革,标普分析师阿戈斯特·伯纳德(AgostBenard)说。

    Remains unconducive to major fiscal and structural reforms , said Agost Benard , S & P analyst .

  21. 河北省财政支出结构优化模型及实证分析

    The Optimal Model of Region Finance Expenditure Construction and the Demonstration

  22. 优化乡镇财政支出结构的思路

    Suggestions on Optimizing the Financial Payout Structure in Villages and Towns

  23. 中国地区财政支出结构的聚类分析

    The cluster analysis on local composition of fiscal expenditure in China

  24. 中国财政支出结构存在的问题及改革取向

    Problem of Fiscal Output Structure in China and the Reforming Orientation

  25. 优化财政支出结构落实科学发展观

    Optimizing the Fiscal Expenditure Structure and Implementing Scientific Development Outlook

  26. 第四部分对我国政府介入教育领域的状况、教育财政体制结构状况和教育财政分配结构状况进行了透彻分析。

    Section 4 analyzes the public educational financial structure of our country .

  27. 从财政支出结构解读中性财政政策

    Analysis the Neutral Fiscal Policy form the Structural Angle of Financial Expenditure

  28. 地方政府行为、财政支出结构与区域经济增长研究

    Local Government Behavior , Expenditure Structure and Regional Economy Growth

  29. 财政支出结构反映了一国财政的性质。

    The cluster analysis on local composition of fiscal expenditure in China ;

  30. 中国财政支出结构的变动及优化策略

    The Evolution and Optimization of the Public Financial Expenditure Structure in China