
  • 网络reforms of fiscal and taxation systems
  1. 从农业综合开发所处国内国际环境(农业发展新阶段、农业国际化和WTO规则、农业市场经济发展和农业财税体制改革)阐述农业综合开发的所负担的历史使命和创新的必要性。

    Its historical mission and necessity of its innovation are expatiated , basing on the domestic and international background , including the new stage of agricultural development , agricultural internationalization and the rules of WTO , agricultural market economy development and the system reform in agricultural finance and taxation .

  2. 深化财税体制改革确保农民收入增长

    Increase Peasants ' Income through Reform in Fiscal & Taxation System

  3. 要继续推进财税体制改革。

    We will continue to reform the fiscal and taxation systems .

  4. 当前财税体制改革的问题和对策

    Problems and countermeasures in the reform of finance and tax system

  5. 1994年财税体制改革的历史回顾与思考

    Reforms of the Taxation System in 1994 : Retrospection and Reflection

  6. 加大财税体制改革力度。

    Reform the fiscal and taxation systems will be intensified .

  7. 财税体制改革取得巨大成功。

    Tremendous achievements have been made in the reform of the fiscal and taxation system .

  8. 二是深化财税体制改革,改变税收计划管理方式;

    Deepen the reformation of tax system and change the management of the tax plan ;

  9. 深化财税体制改革,加快公共财政体系建设。

    We will deepen reform of the fiscal and taxation systems and accelerate improvement in the public finance system .

  10. 积极推进税费改革是我国当前财税体制改革中的重大热门话题。

    To carry out the Tax and Fee reform is a popular topic in the national finance and tax system reform .

  11. “十一五”之前的财税体制改革对我国经济发展起到了积极促进作用,但也存在不足。

    Our reform of finance and tax system strengthened national economic development before the11th-five-year plan , but which existed some shortcomings .

  12. 这需要通过深化财税体制改革,建立公共财政体制来解决。

    These problems can be solved through deepening the reform in system of finance and taxation and setting up system of public finance .

  13. “五项改革”,包括粮食流通体制改革、投融资体制改革、住房制度改革、医疗体制改革,以及财税体制改革。

    The " five reforms " refer to the reforms of grain distribution , investment and financing , housing , medical service and taxation systems .

  14. 深化财税体制改革,改进对政府官员员的考核机制,营造一个更加公平、合理的市场化环境。

    Deepen fiscal and tax reform , and to improve the assessment of government officials . Try to create a more fair and reasonable market .

  15. 随着国家财税体制改革的不断深化,税务检查也越来越频繁,稽征、处罚越来越严。

    With the fiscal and taxation reform deepening , tax inspections become more and more frequent , and tax collection , penalties are more strict .

  16. 财税体制改革进一步深化,财政转移支付制度和公共财政制度逐步完善。

    Reform of the fiscal and taxation systems was deepened , and the system of transfer payments and the system of public finance were steadily improved .

  17. 因此对行政性收费进行严格的监督管理,将收费纳入预算轨道,成为当前我国以建立公共财政体制为目标的财税体制改革的重要组成部分。

    Therefore strictly control administrative charges and merge it in the budget orbit has became important part of the fiscal reform to build up public finance system .

  18. 以国有企业改革为重点,进一步深化投资体制改革、财税体制改革和行政管理体制改革。

    Focusing on the state-owned enterprising reform , the province will further deepen its investment system reform , financial and tax system reform and administrative system reform .

  19. 1994年我国财税体制改革后,财政收入持续增长,同时财政支出需求持续扩张,财政收支矛盾并没有得到有效解决。

    In 1994 our country finance and taxation organizational reform , the expenditure demand expanded continually , the fiscal revenue and expenditure contradictory has not been effectively resolved .

  20. 这一改革是新一轮财税体制改革的重要环节,是社会主义市场经济体制下公共财政管理的基本要求。

    This is an important step of reform of the fiscal and taxation system and the basic requirement of the public finance management under the socialist market economy .

  21. 1994年财税体制改革实行分税制后,随着公共支出的增长和收入结构的变化,各省以下地方财政遭遇瓶颈。

    Tax distribution tax reform implemented in 1994 , along with the growth of public spending and income structure changes , the following provinces and local financial bottlenecks .

  22. 对于政府部门要有堵有疏,既要扭转政绩考核导向、改进政府会计系统,又要推进财税体制改革,扩容地方债券发行。

    Government departments need to reverse the performance evaluation-oriented , and improve government accounting system , and reform the existing taxation system , and expand the local government bonds issue .

  23. 地方财政体制的完善是目前中国财税体制改革的重点和难点之一。

    The perfection of the local financial system proved to be the core and one of the difficult points in the reform of financial and taxation system in China at present .

  24. 我国于1994年开始实施分税制的财税体制改革,初步建立了适应经济发展的地方税体系,并在一定程度上促进了地方经济的发展。

    In 1994 , China began to implement tax-distribution financial system reform , primarily established local tax system which adapted to the economic development , and promoted the territorial economy to a certain extent .

  25. 随着我国金融、财税体制改革的深入,适时引入市政债券等金融工具,发展和培育独立的市政债券市场己具有现实的必然性和可行性。

    With our country carrying out deep reform on financial and fiscal system , it is necessary and feasible to introduce financial instruments , such as municipal bond , to develop and foster the independent municipal bond market .

  26. 这不但标示出晚清财政思想的发展规律,而且为今日中国的财税体制改革提供了重要的启示和线索。

    Market-oriented , democratization and rule of law not only reveal the law of development of fiscal theory in the late Ch ' ing period , but also endow China with some important inspiration and clues to reform the current fiscal system .

  27. 1994年财税体制改革以来,河北省财政收入得到快速、稳定增长,但由于目前该省财政经济存在许多问题,影响了财政运行质量。

    Revenue in Hebei Province has grown rapidly and steadily since the reform of finance-taxation system in 1994 . However , there are a lot of problems on finance and economy in Hebei Province , which has affected the quality of fiscal operation .

  28. 但是,随着经济社会发展和财税体制改革的深入,省以下财政体制存在的问题越发开始显现,级次间、地区间财政不均衡性日益突出,基层财政困难程度不断加大。

    With the further development of economy and society , and implementation of fiscal and tax reforms , some problems concerning the city-level and county-level fiscal systems begin to emerge and the fiscal unbalance between different levels and regions become more and more prominent .

  29. 燃油税改革进一步深化并完善了我国的财税体制改革,践行了我国依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的政治理念,有着深刻的政治、经济、社会意义,是一件利国利民的大事。

    It improves the fiscal and taxation reform in China . It also practices political philosophy about the rule of law and building a socialist country ruled by law . It is a major event benefits the country and has political , economic , social profound significance .

  30. 财税体制改革的政策取向是建立公共财政体制,完善税制,加快费改税,改革财政支出管理制度,推进财政法制建设,适度举债防范财政风险等。

    The policy-oriented in reform of finance and tax system is : establishing public finance system , improving tax system , accelerating the change of fee into tax , reforming financial expenditure management institution , carrying forward financial legal institutions , adequately issuing government bonds and preventing form financial crisis .