
dà wáng wū zéi
  • giant squid;Architeuthis;giant calmar
大王乌贼[dà wáng wū zéi]
  1. 直到2004年,才首次拍到活着的大王乌贼影像。

    It was not until 2004 that the first images of a live giant squid were taken .

  2. 大王乌贼一般长约10米,最大的大王乌贼则长达18米,重达900千克。

    Measuring around 33 feet , the largest giant squid ever found truly was a giant weighing nearly 2000 pounds and measuring 59 feet in length .

  3. 大王乌贼在自己的栖息地内总是来无影去无踪,很难加以研究。

    Giant squids are elusive in their natural habitats and difficult to study .

  4. 大王乌贼是海洋中最神秘的一类生物,也是地球上最大的无脊椎动物。

    Giant squids are some of the most mysterious creatures of the sea as well as being the biggest invertebrate on earth .

  5. 我们在世界各地的沙滩上都见到过大王乌贼的身影,但至今仍很难说清楚它们究竟能游多远或者它们的栖息地到底在哪里。

    Giant squids have been found on beaches all over the world but it is still hard to say how far they swim or what their exact habitats are .

  6. 即便如此,他们在诺森德的冰水中捕猎某些危险巨兽时表现出的无畏和英勇,连他们的敌人都要为之赞叹&这些巨兽包括了鲸鱼和大王乌贼。

    Yet even their enemies marvel at the tuskarr 's prowess and fearlessness in catching some of the most dangerous creatures in Northrend 's frigid waters , including whales and giant squid .

  7. 抹香鲸是大王乌贼的捕食性天敌,但大王乌贼有自己的天敌预警方法,它们巨大的双眼可以帮助它们早早发现抹香鲸的靠近。

    The sperm whale is one the greatest predators of the giant squid but with their giant eyes , giant squids have an early warning of the approach of their massive predators .

  8. 对于大王乌贼,我们知之甚少,但我们可以推测,如果有机会,它们甚至可以杀死并吃掉幼年鲸鱼,这意味着大王乌贼巨大的触角必须非常强壮。

    Little is known about the giant squid but it is possible that when given the chance , they will kill and eat small whales , implying that those massive tentacles must be very strong .

  9. 唯一比想象中的大王乌贼还要长的海洋生物就是狮鬃水母了。其触须长度可达36米,这可比蓝鲸的平均体长还要长!

    One of the only creatures longer than the imagined giant squid is the lion 's mane jellyfish , whose tentacles can reach120 feet long . This is longer than the average body of a blue whale !

  10. 巨型鱿鱼(大王乌贼属)可以长到43英尺(13米)长,重近一吨(907公斤)。

    Moses Harvey . The giant squid ( genus : Architeuthis ) , can grow to up to 43 feet ( 13 meters ) in length , and weigh as much as a ton ( 907 kilograms ) .

  11. 巨型乌贼,即“大王酸浆乌贼”(Mesonychoteuthishamiltoni),在世人眼中一直是个谜,直到最近才解开;然而我们实际上仍只看见寥寥可数的几只。

    The colossal squid , or Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni , was believed to be a myth until recently , and we 've still only seen a handful in real life .