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  1. 基于组件式GIS的滹沱河河道地理信息管理系统的研制

    Development of Management Information System for HUTUO River Based on Component GIS

  2. 卡西欧FX-4800P计算器编程在滹沱河倒虹吸工程施工测量中的应用

    Application of CASIO FX-4800P calculator which in construction survey of Hutuo River inverted siphon project

  3. 应用TWINSPAN和DCA相结合的方法,对滹沱河流域湿地植被74个样方进行分类和排序,将湿地植被分为16个群丛。

    TWINSPAN and DCA were combined to classify and collate seventy five quadrats of the wetland vegetations in the Hutuo River into 16 associations .

  4. 滹沱河上修建水库后下游河床演变

    Downstream Channel changes subsequent to reservoir construction on the Hutuo River

  5. 滹沱河现代沉积物的比重研究

    Study on specific gravity of modern sediments in the Hutuo River

  6. 滹沱河饶阳段表土花粉的初步研究

    Preliminary study on surface pollen in Raoyang section of the Hutuo River

  7. 深泽滹沱河大桥加固施工方案介绍

    Introduction of Strengthening Construction Scheme of Shenze Hutuo River Bridge

  8. 滹沱河倒虹吸行洪口门宽度的方案论证

    Demonstration on width for flood discharge opening of Hutuo River Inverted Siphon

  9. 滹沱河下游沉积泥沙的特征

    Characteristics of Sediment Deposited in the Lower Reaches bf the Hutuo River

  10. 山西滹沱河流域湿地植被生态学研究

    Study on Ecology of Wetland Vegetation in Hutuo River Valley , Shanxi

  11. 滹沱河流域湿地植被优势种群生态位研究

    Niche of Dominant Species of Wetland Vegetation In the Hutuo River Valley

  12. 黄土侵蚀与啮齿动物活动关系的观察&以滹沱河流域的黄鼠为例

    An observation on rodent activities relating to loess erosion

  13. 水坝建设对滹沱河流域石家庄段生态环境的影响

    Effect of dam construction on eco-environment of Shijiazhuang section of Hutuo River Basin

  14. 运用粒度分析方法恢复河流地貌&以滹沱河为例

    Reconstruction of stream morphology by the method of size analysis in Hutuo River

  15. 滹沱河流域土壤吸磷强度及磷肥施用量的研究

    Intensity of Phosphorus Absorption and the Amount of Phosphatic Fertilizer in Hutuo River

  16. 滹沱河流域湿地植被的物种多样性研究

    Species diversity of wetland vegetation in Hutuo River Valley

  17. 石家庄市滹沱河地下水库调蓄功能研究初探

    Study of Regulating and Storage Function of the Hutuo River 's Underground Reservoir

  18. 厚松散表土层条件下南沱河堤坝开采沉陷预测

    Mining Subsidence Prediction of Nantuo River Bank Under Condition of Thick and Unconsolidated Overburden

  19. 滹沱河倒虹吸管身混凝土浇筑属于大体积混凝土浇筑。

    Hutuo River 's inverted siphon concrete placement belongs to big volume concrete placement .

  20. 利用环境示踪剂估算滹沱河冲洪积扇地下水天然补给

    Estimation of Natural Groundwater Recharge in the Hutuo River Alluvial-Proluvial Fan Using Environmental Tracers

  21. 滹沱河湿地狭叶香蒲群落生物量研究

    A Study on the Biomass of Typha angustifolia Communities in Hutuo Rivers Wetlands , Shanxi

  22. 滹沱河石家庄市区段河道人工湖防渗技术研究

    Anti-Leakage Technology on Artificial Lake Riverway in the Urban Section of Hutuo River at Shijiazhuang

  23. 明以降滹沱河平原段河道变迁研究

    A Study on Watercourse Shifts of the Hutuo River on the Plain since the Ming Dynasty

  24. 稻类作物只在黄河、滹沱河、桑干河沿岸略有种植。

    Rice was only slightly planted along the Yellow River , Hutuo River and Sanggan River .

  25. 人类聚居环境学理论为指导的城郊景观生态整治规划探析&以滹沱河石家庄市区段生态整治规划为例

    Suburban Landscape Ecological Renovation Planning under The Guidance of The Studies on Human Inhabitation and Settlement Environment

  26. 滹沱河平山段鱼类种类组成和生长状况初探

    Preliminary Explorations for Species Compositions and Growth of the Fishes in the Pingshan part of Hutuo River

  27. 滹沱河河道治理堤防护岸形式及其评价

    Formation of Dyke Building and Bank Protection in Channel Improvement of the Hutuo River and Its Evaluation

  28. 南水北调中线滹沱河倒虹吸工程施工门架式管身混凝土皮带布料系统研究

    Research of the Concrete Distribution System in Placement at Hutuo River Inverted Siphon of South-to-North Water Transfer

  29. 应用浓度-价值损失率法评估地下水源污染经济损失&以石家庄滹沱河地下水源为例

    Application of " Concentration-Value Loss Factor " to Assess Economic Loss of Groundwater Pollution in Hutuo-River of Shijiazhuang

  30. 山西北部由海河的支流流过,例如桑干河和滹沱河。

    The north of the province is drained by tributaries of the Hai River , such as Sanggan and Hutuo rivers .