
  • 网络bonsai
  1. 魏晋南北朝的美学思想和盆景艺术

    The Aesthetic Thought and Bonsai Art in Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties

  2. 在1979年的中国盆景艺术展览的推动下,中州盆景蓬勃发展。

    In 1979 , the " Chinese bonsai art exhibition " Under the impetus of Central Plains bonsai flourish .

  3. 岭南盆景艺术与技法。

    Bonsai & the art and the technique .

  4. 甘肃盆景艺术概况

    A Survey of Miniature Landscape in Gansu

  5. 观赏竹盆景艺术创作研究

    Artistic creation on potted ornamental bamboo landscape

  6. 受古老盆景艺术影响的复杂精细的技巧在移植和保护树木中得到运用。

    Sophisticated techniques influenced by the ancient art of Bonzai shaping were applied to transplant and preserve the trees .

  7. 港浸会大学于二零零零年在校园内辟设文农学圃,旨在透过公开陈列,藉以提高公众人士对盆景艺术的兴趣及认识,同时亦为浸大校园增添文艺气息。

    The University set up the Man Lung Garden in2000 , adding enormously to the cultural ambience of the campus and attracting public interest in the art of Penjing .

  8. 中国盆景艺术历史悠久,因为它再现了大自然的美景,使人们不下厅堂就可以览胜,所以很受欢迎。

    China has a long history of Penjing art . It is very popular because it depicts the beauty of nature , and people can go sightseeing without going out of their rooms .

  9. 盆景艺术风格是盆景艺术家的创作个性在作品中的外在表现,它对盆景艺术的发展起着很重要的作用,人们对盆景的感性认识直接来源于盆景的风格。

    Bonsai artistic style , the external expression of the artist 's personality , plays a vital role in the development of the art of bonsai , for people get perceptual knowledge directly from the bonsai style .

  10. 事实上,当我们设计树桩的时候盆景的艺术原理就在起作用,只是作用多少罢了。

    There are in fact many basic artistic principles at play when we design our trees ; or , at least there should be .

  11. 这个素描是阐释在盆景和摄影艺术中理解、发现和运用动感效应的理想素材。

    This sketch is ideal for illustrating the purpose of , understanding , finding and using movement in Art , bonsai and photography .

  12. 论树木盆景的势及艺术表现

    Discussion about Sculpture and Art Representation of Bonsai Tree

  13. 顺化的工匠造就了盆景与岩石的艺术,创造高价值的艺术品,反映出自然人文的哲学。

    Artisans in Hue treasure the arts of bonsai and rock works to create high valued pieces of arts , reflecting the Nature - Human philosophy .

  14. 在盆景、摄影等艺术门类中,理解动感运用,会帮助我们发掘利用人类视觉的潜意识,增强作品的动感效应。

    Understanding movement in bonsai , photography or Art can help us exploit the subconscious of the human eye and enhance composition and the illusion of movement .

  15. 中国盆景起源研究&中国盆景艺术形成于魏晋南北朝

    A Research on the Origin of Chinese Penjing ( Bonsai ) & Penjing ( Bonsai ) Art Originates from the Period of the Wei and Jin Dynasty

  16. 本文对影响北京小菊盆景形成的因素及北京小菊盆景的艺术风格进行了探讨。

    The factors which influence the art style of Penjing made of miniature chrysanthemum in Beijing have been studied in this paper .

  17. 盆景在当时已作为礼品,赠与外宾,使中国的盆景艺术彪炳史册。

    They were delivered to foreign guests at that time , which made the Chinese penjing ( bonsai ) art shining in the history .

  18. 树木盆景的取势取决于创作主体对自然景物的认识。分析了一般树势的表现形式,提出了盆景艺术创作中影响树势的因素。

    The paper expounds the sculpture of bonsai tree is determined by author perspective to nature scenery , analyzes the form of expression of general sculpture and puts forward the wrong phenomenon in art produce that influences the sculpture of tree .