
  • 网络Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China
  1. 其中最重要的成果是《中华民国临时约法》。

    The most important one was The Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China .

  2. [2]《中华民国临时约法》时孙中山在辛亥革命后担任中华民国临时大总统时颁布的。

    The Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China was promulgated by Dr. Sun Yat-sen when he took office as Provisional President of the Republic of China after the 1911 Revolution .

  3. 激烈斗争的结果,《中华民国临时约法》确立了共和国的国体和政体,并促成了中国社会政治制度的根本变革,其功无与伦比。

    As the result of fierce struggles . the Provisional Constitution defined the Republic 's state system and government system , which brought up fundamental transform of China 's social and political systems .

  4. 重视根本法的制定,颁布了具有资产阶级宪法性质的《中华民国临时约法》,为民国法制的建设奠定了理论基础和实践基础。

    Thinking highly of the legislation of the basic law , the enactment of Temporary Constitution of the Republic China provided the theoretical and practical foundation for the construction of the legal system for the Republic .