
  • 网络Painting Mountain;Painted Hills
  1. 如果画山,就会不合格。

    But if you paint mountain scenery , he 'll fail you .

  2. 画山是漓江的又一胜景。

    It 's another wonder along the Lijiang river .

  3. 我们很快就会看到画山了。

    Pretty soon we 'll see the Huashan hill .

  4. 他一生画山,最后自己也化为了一座大山。

    He painted the mountains all the life , ultimately became a huge mountain .

  5. 所有的云都在你周围,不过真的很冷,泰勒这样描述,这看起来一点也不像我们画的山。

    All the clouds are under you , and it 's really cold , Tyler said , describing the summit to The Associated Press . It doesn 't look anything like a kid 's drawing of a mountain .

  6. 无师自通的她,画人画山画水画梅画小鸡,画什么像什么,而且画作极有灵气,每幅画都充满生活哲学,让人欣赏起来回味无穷。

    Self-taught , she painted mountain , river , plum , and chicken , and did a good job , Extremely rich with Aura . Each painting is full of life philosophy , lead an endless chewing for audience .

  7. 山水画写生探微喜马拉雅山和喀喇昆仑山冰川的变化

    On Mountains - and-Rivers Sketching Glacier Variations in Himalayas and Karakorum

  8. 请你画张去圆山大饭店的地图给我好吗?

    Would you please make me a map showing the way to the Grand Hotel ?