
quán jī
  • boxing;pugilism
拳击 [quán jī]
  • [boxing] 一项体育运动,两人戴着特制的皮手套,用双拳进击和防卫;以拳殴击

  • 拳击台

拳击[quán jī]
  1. 空手道比赛和拳击比赛有许多类似的地方。

    The karate bout has many similarities to a boxing match .

  2. 他一度曾是英国拳击的希望所在。

    He was once the great white hope of British boxing .

  3. 仅有不到半数的出拳击中目标。

    Of the blows delivered , barely half found their mark .

  4. 拳击运动员听见观众的喊叫就来劲儿了。

    The boxers were goaded on by the shrieking crowd .

  5. 我一拳击中他的下巴,打得他向后打了个趔趄。

    I punched him on the chin , sending him reeling backwards .

  6. 这个世界冠军在20场拳击赛中只败过两场。

    The world champion has only had two defeats in 20 fights .

  7. 他是一位空前的拳击好手。

    He was one of boxing 's all-time greats .

  8. 在十年的拳击生涯中,他创纪录地累计获胜176次。

    In ten years of boxing he racked up a record 176 wins .

  9. 一些发言者认为拳击的危险性比橄榄球运动小。

    Some speakers argued that boxing was less dangerous than rugby .

  10. 在大西洋城举行这场拳击比赛是众望所归。

    Atlantic City is the hot favourite to stage the fight .

  11. 他被永久禁止踏入英国拳击赛场。

    He will never again be allowed inside a British boxing ring .

  12. 大学时,他学习英语,同时还参加业余拳击。

    At college he studied English and did amateur boxing .

  13. 我想和他进行一场拳击比赛,争夺这一头衔。

    I 'd like to fight him for the title .

  14. 他被尤班克一记上钩拳击倒在地。

    He was knocked down by an uppercut from Eubank .

  15. 我想拳击运动在这儿会有很大的发展。

    I think boxing will take off in a big way here .

  16. 空缺的世界拳击理事会次轻量级头衔被取消了。

    The vacant W.B.C. junior-lightweight title has been called off

  17. 刘易斯对决世界拳击组织的重量级拳王汤米·莫里森。

    Lewis is matched against the WBO 's heavyweight champion , Tommy Morrison .

  18. 我已经为迎战12个回合的拳击比赛作好了充分准备。

    I 'm well prepared for a 12-round fight .

  19. 梅森在他悲剧性的最后一场拳击比赛中于文布利惨败给了伦诺克斯·刘易斯。

    Mason was outclassed by Lennox Lewis in his tragic last fight at Wembley

  20. 英国近年的拳击比赛中很少有如此激动人心的。

    Few contests in the recent history of British boxing have been as thrilling .

  21. 他当时师从埃迪·富齐学当拳击教练员。

    He was able to serve his apprenticeship as a trainer with Eddie Futch .

  22. 他们遭重拳击倒在地,被打得不省人事,钱包也被抢走了。

    They were knocked to the ground , beaten senseless and robbed of their wallets

  23. 在1936年,马克斯·施梅林被奉为拳击界的一大希望。

    In 1936 , Max Schmeling had been lionised as boxing 's great hope .

  24. 这名重量级拳击冠军将尝试挑战霍利菲尔德的世界冠军头衔。

    The heavyweight champion will be given a shot at Holyfield 's world title .

  25. 拳击考验的是技能和技术,不是蛮力。

    Boxing is a test of skill and technique , rather than brute strength .

  26. 在学校时我既打拳击又玩橄榄球。

    At school I boxed and played rugby

  27. 他们像是重量级拳击运动员,竭力想在心理上压倒对方,树立自己的信心。

    They are like heavyweight boxers , trying to psych each other out and build themselves up .

  28. 我想结束拳击生涯,安定下来享受家庭生活。

    I want to get boxing out of my system and settle down to enjoy family life .

  29. 11个回合过后,德莱昂一拳击在那个意大利人的嘴巴上。

    De Leon landed a punch on the Italian 's mouth after the end of the eleventh round

  30. 我对拳击一无所知,但我能看出他状态不佳,因为他在急促喘息。

    I know nothing about boxing , but I could see he was unfit , because he was puffing .