
dōng cài
  • preserved cabbage;cabbage preserved for winter;preserved, dried cabbage or mustard greens;preserved dried cabbage or mustard greens
冬菜 [dōng cài]
  • (1) [preserved dried cabbage or mustard greens]∶ 用白菜或芥菜叶做成的干菜

  • (2) [cabbage preserved for winter]∶贮存起来冬季食用的蔬菜

冬菜[dōng cài]
  1. 以超临界CO2为溶剂提取天津冬菜中的呈色物质。

    This paper is focused on extraction of present-color materials in Tianjin-DongCai by supercritical CO2 .

  2. 糖醋排骨、清蒸鲤鱼、冬菜扣肉、虫草鸭子。HPLC测定清肺合剂中鱼腥草素的含量

    The Sweet and Sour Pork Chops , the Steamed Carp , the Steamed Preserved Cabbage and Pork and the Duck with Chinese Caterpillar Fungus . Determination of decanoyl acetaldehyde in Qingfei oral liquid by HPLC

  3. 以水作为夹带剂可有效提高天津冬菜中呈色物质的萃取效率。

    And water as cosolvent can improve the efficiency of extraction of present-color materials .

  4. 当时正值闷热的九月,以咸冬菜、丰裕的花椒和辣椒油等为佐料的四川特色小吃担担面,令我无时无刻不意识到空气中的闷热和潮湿。

    It was a sultry September , and a snack of dan dan noodles seasoned with salty preserved vegetables , perky Sichuan peppercorns and chili oil kept me alert in the intense humidity .