
dōng lǜ
  • wintergreen;checkerberry
冬绿[dōng lǜ]
  1. 珠海市园林绿化草坪的冬绿盖播方法与管理技术

    The technology of planting and management of winter overseeding turf of gardens virescence in Zhuhai city

  2. 冬小麦叶片绿度时空变异特征研究

    Study on spatio-temporal variability of green degree in winter wheat leaf

  3. 应用地统计学方法测定分析海河低平原区农田冬小麦关键生育期叶片绿度时空变异特征结果表明,冬小麦叶片绿度时间变化趋势为拔节期<孕穗期<抽穗期<灌浆期;

    The spatio-temporal variability of green degree in winter wheat leaf of Hai River Lower Plain was studied using the method of geological statistics .