
  • 网络longan;country garden
  1. 2012年末,碧桂园控股有限公司(CountryGardenHoldingsCo.Ltd)在马来西亚西部的新山市投资建房。据公司称,该项目最初获得了马来西亚、新加坡和中国买家的热烈反响。

    Guangzhou-based Country Garden Holdings first invested in Johor Bahru in West Malaysia in late 2012 and said it had ' received an overwhelming response ' from buyers from Malaysia , Singapore and China initially .

  2. 里昂证券(CLSA)分析师王艳(NicoleWong)说,碧桂园等大型开发商的销售增长将是可持续的,碧桂园已经进入烟台和南京等城市,正在从竞争对手手中抢夺市场份额。

    Sales growth is going to be sustainable for some of the larger developers , such as Country Garden , which have ventured into cities such as Yantai and Nanjing and are gaining market share from competitors , said Nicole Wong , an analyst at CLSA .

  3. 邵逸夫将股份出售给中国房地产开发商碧桂园(countygarden)董事长杨国强的计划已几近成功,但由于金融市场危机的影响,最终于10月份取消了出售计划。

    He was close to selling his stake to Yeung Kwok-keung , chairman of country garden , the Chinese property developer , but scrapped his plans in October amid the financial markets crisis .

  4. 多年来,邵逸夫一直设法出售所持邵氏兄弟75%的股权,今年夏季,曾与中国房地产开发商碧桂园(countygarden)董事长杨国强进行了谈判。

    Sir Run Run has been trying to sell his 75 per cent stake in Shaw Brothers for years , and was in talks with Yeung Kwok-keung , chairman of country garden , the Chinese property developer , this summer .

  5. 重庆市铜梁·桂园都市生态农业园区规划与实践

    Planning and Practice of Guiyuan Urban Sightseeing Agriculture Garden in Tongliang of Chongqing

  6. 碧桂园之前出色的销售业绩引来其他开发商的效仿。

    Strong sales registered earlier by Country Garden drew copycat projects by other developers .

  7. 居住环境中的绿色理念&广东碧桂园凤凰城的绿色设计

    Green Conception of Guangdong Country Garden-Phoenix City

  8. 欢迎参加五邑碧桂园中英文学校“快乐体验”夏令营!

    Welcome to the " Happy Experience " summer camp of Wuyi Country Garden Bilingual School !

  9. 主持人禤艺明简历:她是广州碧桂园英语俱乐部核心成员,曾经主持多次主题活动。

    I am a member of English Club , and had been a doctor for some years .

  10. 但碧桂园同时表示,仍对在马来西亚的投资抱有信心。

    The company said , however , that it was still confident in its investment in the country .

  11. 此举推动了该公司财富的增长:目前,在香港上市的碧桂园估值约为270亿美元。

    It boosted the company 's fortunes so that now Hong Kong-listed Country Garden is valued at around $ 27bn .

  12. 根据她的持股及碧桂园昨日收盘价推算,她的财富约为80亿美元。

    Her estimated wealth is about $ 8bn , based on her holdings and the company 's closing share price yesterday .

  13. 去年碧桂园的新山金海湾项目销售额达约人民币70亿元,占公司销售收入的最大头。

    Sales in its Country Garden Danga Bay project in Johor Bahru last year reached roughly 7 billion yuan , which was the firm 's biggest sales contributor .

  14. 碧桂园是一家以房地产为主营业务,涵盖建筑、装修、物业发展、物业管理、酒店开发及管理等行业的国内著名综合性房地产开发企业。

    Country Garden Co. is a well-known comprehensive real estate development company which covers real estate development , construction , decoration , property development , property management , hotel development and management .

  15. 杨国强面对媒体一向低调。2005年,他将其所有股份转至女儿名下,目前,杨惠妍是碧桂园的常务董事,并主要负责公司的物流项目。

    In2005 , the press-shy Yang transferred his shares to his daughter , who sits on Country Garden 's board as an executive director and works in its logistics activities , according to Forbes .

  16. 凤凰城项目诞生于2002年,是碧桂园开发史上的里程碑,经过9年的运营,已经成为一个成熟缤纷的大城。

    Phoenix City project was born in 2002 . It is a milestone in the development history of Country Garden Co. After nine years operation , the project has become a beautiful and large community .

  17. 碧桂园在一份声明中称,马航客机失踪事件冲击了马来西亚及该国政府的形象,公司不排除此事会影响其马来西亚项目的可能。

    ' The ( flight ) incident has brought some negative impressions of Malaysia ( and the ) Malaysian government , and we do not preclude the possibility that this would also affect our projects in the Malaysian market , ' said Country Garden in a statement .