
  • 网络hibernation therapy
  1. 类冬眠疗法治疗主动脉夹层患者的临床分析

    Effect of Artificial Hibernation Therapy on Patients with Aortic Dissection

  2. 亚冬眠疗法对急性心肌梗死患者心肌保护作用的研究

    The protective effect of artificial hibernation therapy on patients with acute myocardial infarction

  3. 联合应用亚低温和冬眠疗法治疗重度颅脑损伤

    Effect of combined therapy of mild hypothermia and hibernation on severe brain injury

  4. 冬眠疗法治疗重症胰腺炎的探讨

    Discussion on the mechanism of the Hibernation Treatment to treat Serious Acute Pancreatitis

  5. 应用亚低温冬眠疗法抢救重型颅脑损伤疗效观察

    The Effect of Applying Mild Hypothermia and Hibernation Therapy to Salvage Severe Head Injure

  6. 26例重型颅脑外伤亚低温冬眠疗法对氮平衡的影响

    Effect of mild hypothermia Therapy on Nitrogen Balance in 26 Patients with Severe Brain Injuries

  7. 可乐定与亚冬眠疗法治疗海络因依赖临床对照观察

    A controlled study of clonidine and the artificial sub-hibernation therapy in the treatment of heroine addiction

  8. 亚低温冬眠疗法治疗重度脑挫伤的临床研究

    Hibernation Combined therapy of mild hypothermia and dormancy in the treatment of sever cerebral contusion and laceration

  9. 改良亚冬眠疗法治疗小儿重症病毒性脑炎癫痫持续状态疗效评价

    Evaluation of therapeutic effect of reformed subhibernation therapy for status epilepticus in children with severe viral encephalitis

  10. 并就冬眠疗法治疗重症胰腺炎的机理进行了探讨。

    The author has made a discussion on the mechanism of the Hibernation Treatment to treat S. A. P.

  11. 机械通气与冬眠疗法治疗胸外伤后急性呼吸窘迫综合征的护理

    Nursing care of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome induced by chest trauma treated with mechanical ventilation and hibernotherapy

  12. 中重型脑出血患者术后常规气管切开并行冬眠疗法的疗效分析

    Clinical Effect of Routine Tracheostomy and Hibernation Therapy after Craniotomy in Patients with Moderate or Severe Hypertensive Intracranial Hemorrhage

  13. 方法:回顾性分析及总结17例重型颅脑损伤病人冬眠疗法的护理方法及其效果。

    Methods : To analyze and summarize nursing ways for severe craniocerebral injury patients with hibernation hypothermia therapy respectantly and their effects .

  14. 目的:检测亚低温物理技术并冬眠疗法对重度颅脑损伤患者血生化学及血气变化的影响,并与常温治疗患者进行比较。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the effect of a combined therapy of mild hypothermia and hibernation on the homeostasis of patients with severe brain injury .

  15. 目的探讨亚低温冬眠疗法对重度脑挫伤病人的脑保护机理及临床疗效。

    Objective To study the clinical and protective effect of combined therapy of mild hypothermia and dormancy in the treatment of severe cerebral contusion and laceration .

  16. 作者就其休克期的输液、冬眠疗法、创面处理及护理、败血症的防治及营养补充等问题提出了若干体会。

    The authors described the experience in the performance of transfusion and hibernation therapy at the shock stage , the management and nursing of the wounds , the prevention and treat-ment of septicemia and nutrition support .

  17. 结论:亚低温冬眠疗法减轻了重型颅脑外伤所致的负氮平衡,是降低死亡率的重要因素之一。

    Conclusion That the mild hypothermia therapy reduced the negative nitrogen balance induced by severe brain injury is one of important causes of the lower mortality in the mild hypothermia therapy group than that in the control group .