
  • 网络fishery biology
  1. 黄海鲐鱼(PneumatophorusjaponicusHouttuyn)渔业生物学研究Ⅰ.黄、渤海鲐鱼洄游分布的研究

    Studies on the fisheries biology of mackerel ( pneumatophorus japonicus houttuyn ) in the Yellow Sea ⅰ . on the migratory and distributional patterns of mackerel in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea

  2. 闽南、台湾浅滩渔场红星梭子蟹的渔业生物学

    Fisheries biology of red spot swimming crab , portunus sanguinolentus , on the Minnan-Taiwan Bank Fishing Ground

  3. 渤海主要无脊椎动物及其渔业生物学

    Main invertebrates in the Bohai Sea and their fishery biology

  4. 闽南-台湾浅滩渔场大头狗母鱼的渔业生物学

    Fishery biology of Trachinocephalus myops in Minnan-Taiwan Shoal Fishery Ground

  5. 黄海针乌贼的渔业生物学及其资源状况的初步研究

    Studies on fishery biology of squid and its resources in the Yellow Sea

  6. 清河水库渔业生物学调查

    Investigation on Fishery Biology of Qinghe Reservoir

  7. 鲈的渔业生物学和增殖养殖技术

    On Biology and Reproduction of Perch

  8. 东南太平洋智利竹策鱼渔业生物学的初步调查研究

    Preliminary studies on fishery biology of horse mackerel ( Trachurus murphyi ) in the Southeast Pacific Ocean

  9. 闽东北外海渔场银方头鱼渔业生物学初步研究

    Preliminary study on fisheries biology of yellow Horsehead Branchiostegus argentatus on the fishing ground off northeast Fujian

  10. 东海北部主要经济虾类渔业生物学的比较研究

    A comparative study on fishery biology of main economic shrimps in the north of East China Sea

  11. 莱州湾、黄河口水域毛虾渔业生物学特征的研究

    Study on the fishery biology of the Acetes chinensis Hansen caught in coastal waters of Laizhou Bay and Huanghe Estuary

  12. 长江中上游主要经济鱼类的渔业生物学特征

    A preliminary study of the fisheries biology of main commercial fishes in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River

  13. 在此基础上,结合该海区地理学与水文学特征,分析了二者与渔业生物学多样性现状的相关关系。

    On this basis , the relationship between the features of the geography and hydrology and the fish biodiversity is also studied .

  14. 耳石是头足类生态的重要信息载体,掌握其形态特征是渔业生物学研究的基础。

    Statolith in the cephalopod is an important source of ecological information , and mastering the morphologic features of the statolith is fundamental to fisheries biology .

  15. 东白令海的刺黄盖鲽渔场海洋学与渔业生物学特征论渔业资源、捕捞生产和渔政管理的关系

    THE CHARACTERISTICS OF FISHING GROUND OCEANOGRAPHY AND FISHERY BIOLOGY OF YELLOWFIN SOLE IN EASTERN BERING SEA A Study on the Relation . Between Fishery Resources , Fishing Production and Fisheries Administration

  16. 本文分别论述了大眼金枪鱼在大西洋、印度洋和太平洋的渔业概况、生物学特性、资源状况和管理对策。

    This paper describes the big eye tuna fisheries , their biological characteristics , resource status and management countermeasures in the Atlantic Ocean , the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean respectively .

  17. 晋阳湖渔业用水水质的生物学评价

    The biological assessment of water quality for fishery utility in Jin Yang Lake

  18. 福建海区海蜇渔业资源状况及其渔业生物学

    The Resource Status and Fishery Biology of Rhopilema esculenta in Fujian Waters

  19. 东海区底拖网渔业主要经济鱼类渔业生物学的初步研究

    A preliminary study on fishery biology of main commercial fishes surveyed from the bottom trawl fisheries in the East China Sea

  20. 本文根据福建海区历次海蜇的调查资料,就本海区的海蜇和霞水母的渔业资源状况、群体结构、生长特性等渔业生物学进行了分析研究。

    The species composition , resources status and distribution characters of mangroves in China were investigated and evaluated by field survey and data analysis together with literature .