
  1. 三角洲依陆面海,既有农耕之便,又有渔盐之利,自古以来就是人类文明和经济活动最为发达的地区。

    Delta region is the most developed region of the human civilization and economic activity since ancient time .

  2. 但海岛也有其优点:渔盐资源丰富,风能、太阳能、海洋能开发潜力大,气候资源优越。

    However , island has their own superiorities such as abounds in fishery and salt resources and wind and marine energy resources can be exploited potentially .

  3. 从早期的沿海渔盐产业等发展到二十世纪对深海海底资源的开发,人类在利用海洋资源、发展海洋经济方面取得了长足的进步。

    From the coastal fishing industry , salt manufacturing industry to the development of deep seabed resources exploitation in the twentieth century , human have got great progress on exploiting and using resources in ocean , and have improved the quality of life to a considerable degree .