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yú zhōu
  • fishing boat
渔舟 [yú zhōu]
  • [fishing boat] 渔船

  1. 渔舟在湖中心随波荡漾,倒也别有一番情致。

    The fishing boat is rippling in the center of the lake , a unique delight .

  2. 海中的岛屿和乌木的雕刻一样静凝着了。我携着中食的饭匣向沙岸上走来,在一只泊系着的渔舟里面坐着。

    I walked towards the sandy beach carrying my lunch-box and then sat inside a fishing boat moored at the seashore .

  3. 三种《渔舟唱晚》版本之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Three Music Versions

  4. 《渔舟唱晚》是我国流传甚广的著名古筝曲。

    Yuzhouchangwan is one of the famous Zheng music , being widely circulated in China .

  5. 在红海上,飘浮着星罗棋布的渔舟和小船,其中有些船只,依然还保持着古代船只的那种美丽的式样。

    A number of fishing-smacks and coasting boats , some retaining the fantastic fashion of ancient galleys , were discernible on the Red Sea .

  6. 十九日黄昏,已近神户,两岸青山,不时的有渔舟往来。

    At dusk on the 19th , we neared Kobe . Green hills were seen on the shores , and from time to time fishing boats sailed to and fro .

  7. 波光里的艳影,在我的心头荡漾。渔舟在湖中心随波荡漾,倒也别有一番情致。

    Their reflections on the shimmering waves Always linger in the depth of my heart . The fishing boat is rippling in the center of the lake , a unique delight .

  8. “风吹芦苇倒,湖上渔舟飘,池塘荷叶花笑”描写的就是淀山湖的宜人景象。

    The enchanting Dianshan Lake is vividly described as follows : " ditch reeds swaying amidst the breeze , fishing boats cruising on the lake and lotus flowers blossoming in the pond " .

  9. 晴空下,鱼翔浅底,白鹭欢飞,闪烁着点点金光的河面上,偶尔有几叶渔舟在游弋,似一幅画。

    Under clear sky , the fish Xiang shallow end of egrets flying Huan , blinking a little bit of golden river surface , and occasionally a few leaves fishing boat in the cruising , it seems a painting .