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duō bìng
  • susceptible to diseases;constantly ill
多病[duō bìng]
  1. 他一生多病,备受折磨。

    He had been dogged by bad health all his life .

  2. 除了体弱多病外,她的童年特别幸福。

    Except for her illnesses , she had had a particularly happy childhood

  3. 体弱多病的薛大娘一人独居,举目无亲,相当孤单

    Valetudinarianism Aunt Xue lives alone and friendless , is quite lonely .

  4. 那个体弱多病的人每工作两小时就要歇一小时。

    The valetudinarian alternated two hours of work with one hour of rest .

  5. 基于SVM的多病类诊断基因选择方法研究

    Discriminatory Gene Selection for Cancer Diagnosis of Multi-class Situation with SVM

  6. 本文针对基于SVM的多病类诊断基因选择方法进行了研究。

    The methods of diagnostic gene selection for multi-class diseases based on SVM are studied in this paper .

  7. 单病灶19例,多病灶9例。病理检查为B细胞来源者占78.6%(22/28),病理类型以弥漫性大细胞淋巴瘤为主。

    Nineteen patients had single locus lesion and 9 multi locus lesion , 78.6 % of the patients were diagnosed as having B cell origin , its main type being diffuse large cell lymphoma .

  8. outofadmirationfor“出于对…的敬佩”;出于对柴可夫斯基的音乐的深切爱好,冯·梅克大人安排了一份高达3000美元的年金赠送给这位赤贫、多病的作曲家。

    Out of profound admiration for his music , Mme , von Meck settled an annuity amounting to $ 3 , 000 on the destitute arid ailing composer .

  9. 结论1.糖尿病勃起功能障碍是一个多环节、多病因参与的结果,Hcy可能是糖尿病性勃起功能障碍一个新的危险因素并参与了糖尿病性勃起功能障碍的发病。

    The pathogenesis of diabetic erectile dysfunction is involved with multiple factors and segments . Hcy may be a new risk factor for erectile dysfunction and involved in the pathogenesis of ED.2 .

  10. 对于他们来说,白皮肤意味着多愁和多病。

    To them , paleness symbolizes the winter blues and sickliness .

  11. 论多病并存的中医治疗

    Discussion on the TCM Therapy at the Concomitance With Diverse Diseases

  12. 她报告说他是一个多病的任性的东西。

    She reported him to be an ailing , peevish creature .

  13. 你父母体弱多病,我们不能给你做人寿保险。

    We cannot insure your life because of your sick parents .

  14. 尽管她长期体弱多病,她还是写了十本书。

    In spite of chronic ill health , she wrote ten books .

  15. 他有一个体弱多病的妻子。

    He 's got a wife who 's an invalid .

  16. 因此,迫切需要研究开发多联疫苗,以达到一针防多病的目的。

    Consequently , it is necessary to develop mixed vaccine .

  17. 她体弱多病,所以提前退休。

    She retired early on account of ill health .

  18. 牙周炎是多病因慢性炎症,临床上病情易反复,难以根治。

    Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of multiple causes with easy relapse .

  19. 他的一生苦于体弱多病。

    Throughout his career he had suffered from ill-health .

  20. 他幼年多病,而后一向被人认为弱不禁风。

    He was very ill as a child and was considered delicate thereafter .

  21. 看来,体弱多病已经把萨拉弄得不名一文。

    Ill health seems to have cleared Sarah out .

  22. 让我体弱多病的母亲得到她需要的关爱继续留在人间。

    to help my ailing mother have the care she needed to survive .

  23. 老年慢性心力衰竭的多病因性及心衰类型分析

    The analysis of the multifactor and type of heart failure in the elderly

  24. 体弱多病是他决定退休的一个原因。

    His poor health was a contributory factor in his decision to retire .

  25. 小时候体弱多病,大部分时间在家中完成学业。

    He was mostly home schooled because of ill health as a child .

  26. 问题3我们对孤单、多病的老人的了解是什么?

    Question 3.What do we know about old people who are lonely and sick ?

  27. 麻烦的是,这个孩子体弱多病。

    The trouble is the boy is sickly .

  28. 体弱多病尤其是病态地担心自己的健康的人。

    Weak or sickly person especially one morbidly concerned with his or her health .

  29. 你的父亲会咬伤你让你一辈子都体弱多病。

    Your father bites all his sons in order to weaken them for life .

  30. 达尔文一生多病,不能多做工,每天只能做一点钟的工作。

    Charles Darwin could only work one hour a day due to ill health .