
  1. 农用化学品的使用会对土壤微生物群落在DNA分子水平上的多样性产生影响;

    The changes in the soil microbial community diversity by agricultural chemicals were found at the DNA level .

  2. 双拷贝JH,Cμ基因的存在可能是牛抗体多样性产生的新的基因来源。

    Two copies of JH and C μ genes in the bovine germline may contribute to the antibody diversification as well .

  3. 以上结果表明,4代选育虽未导致选育群体遗传多样性产生显著的差异,但却清楚地显示了逐代选育使选育系群体趋于纯化,选育系F8、F9世代已表现出较好的遗传稳定性。

    The above results showed that , although a selection of four generations did not cause a significant difference of genetic diversities , it caused a clear trend in genetical purification , and the F_8 and F_9 generations have reached a rather high genetic stability as a genetic improved variety .

  4. 种子繁殖和体细胞突变是芦苇种群遗传多样性产生的主要途径,杂合子的选择优势可能是遗传多样性维持的重要机制之一。

    The selection advantage of heterozygotes maybe is the important mechanism of maintaining genetic diversity .

  5. 施用化肥对黑土地区线虫群落组成及多样性产生的影响

    Effect of chemical fertilizer on nematode community composition and diversity in the Black Soil Region

  6. 而这种由语言的多样性产生的符号性或象征性特征,是语言功能差异的必然结果。

    It also seeks to determine the symbolic value of language varieties for their speakers .

  7. 人工恢复植被时间和坡向对大型和中小型土壤动物的多样性产生重要影响。

    The time of man-made vegetation restoration had an important effect on the diversity of soil macrofauna and meso-microfauna .

  8. 可见,雨雪冰冻灾害对南岭保护区的粉蝶多样性产生了破坏性的影响。

    It indicated that the snow disaster brought a destructive impact on the Pieridae biodiversity in Nanling National Nature Reserve .

  9. 为了农业利益过分利用土壤,会对这个地区生物多样性产生长期的负面影响。

    An over-exploitation of the soil for agricultural gain can have long term , negative impacts on the biodiversity of the region .

  10. 本文对鱼类免疫球蛋白的基因结构以及抗体多样性产生的遗传机制作一综述。

    The current knowledge concerning the structure of fish immunoglobulin ( Ig ) genes and the genetic mechanisms in generating fish antibody diversities is reviewed .

  11. 模拟分析结果表明人为干扰引起斑块数的变化,导致景观多样性产生较为显著的影响,而对景观优势度和均与度影响效果较弱。

    The results show that the change of the number of landscape types because of human beings interference is remarkable to diversity , but weak to dominance and evenness .

  12. 滴灌技术实施后棉田杂草多样性产生了怎样变化?如何利用多样性进行有效的生物防治等方面研究具有重要的现实意义。

    What change to the diversity of weeds after the drip irrigation technology has been adopted in cotton field ? How to use the diversity to prevent creatures effectively is significant .

  13. 外来入侵物种对物种多样性产生的严重影响主要表现为排挤本地动植物,导致局部种群的消亡,造成局部高密度分布的稀有物种绝灭。

    Biological invasion constitutes a serious threat to species diversity : squeezing out indigenous plants and animals , making indigenous population disappearing , causing the extinction of high locally distributed species .

  14. 对秦岭西段汉江水系和嘉陵江水系的鱼类和环境调查显示,人类活动对鱼类多样性产生了较大的影响。

    The investigation on fish and their habitats in Hanjiang River system and Jialingjiang River system in west region of Qinling Mountains indicated that human activities had a great impact on fish diversity .

  15. 产业系统演化过程的外在表现即为产业经济现象,产业系统的开放性、非平衡、非线性是产业经济现象复杂性与多样性产生的源泉。

    The external performance of the industrial system evolution process is namely the industry economic phenomena , and the openness , the non - balance and the non-linearity of the industrial system is the fountain from which the complexity and the multiplicity of industry economic phenomena derives .

  16. 由于水盾草为罕见的外来沉水杂草,可与其他水生杂草(如喜旱莲子草和凤眼莲)对本地的生物多样性产生联合影响,因而迫切需要对其进行深入的研究。

    Since fanwort has a different ecological niche than other aquatic weeds such as alligator alternanthera ( Alternanthera philoxeroides ) and common water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes ), which could imply " joint " impact on native species diversity , further biological and ecological investigations of fanwort are urgently needed .

  17. RNaseA超家族多样性的产生及宿主防御

    Diversity of the RNase A Superfamily and Innate Host Defense

  18. 数字视频后处理是面向数字电视业务的多样性而产生的数字处理技术。

    Digital video post-processing is a kind of digital signal process technology that faced to diversity of digital television formats .

  19. 低选择压有利于生物多样性的产生,系统中过于优势的单一成分抑制多样性。

    Low selective pressure makes for the spontaneity emergence of biodiversity , the excessively dominant unitary element in a system restrains the diversity .

  20. 他们争论说后者区域可能保有许多种群之间的适应变异,并因而对于生物多样性的产生和保持很重要。

    They argue that the latter regions might hold much of the adaptive variation between populations , and might therefore be important for the generation and maintenance of biodiversity .

  21. 因此,对自然保护区进行生物多样性保护产生的经济效益、生态效益、社会效益计量以及评价自然保护区发展状况,就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , the measurement of economic , ecological and social benefits and the evaluation of nature reserves development in the conservation of biodiversity in nature reserves are particularly important .

  22. 复杂的高级生命和生物多样性的产生与重要的结构的进化革新发生在生命史末端的数亿年间。

    Emergence of the advanced organisms and remarkable increase of biodiversity , as well as most major innovation of organism structures took place in the latest stage of life history ( since 700 Ma ) .

  23. 因林窗的发生而导致的环境异质性,对林窗内物种分布、种群动态及物种多样性所产生的影响以及对森林演替和更新所起的重要作用乃是人们广泛关注的问题。

    Forest gap leads to the formation of environmental heterogeneity , which plays an important role in the distribution of species , community dynamics and biodiversity . Further , it also influences forest regeneration and succession .

  24. 由此可以看出,寄主对种内遗传多样性也产生较重要影响,产地与种内遗传差异无明显关联。ITS序列分析可以作为区分这两个近似种的一种有效手段。

    It can be seen from this that hosts had a definite impact on intraspecific genetic diversity and origin was not significantly associated with intraspecific genetic difference . ITS sequence analysis was an effective means to distinguish the two related species .

  25. 研究认为土地利用活动必须低于生态系统阙值范围,旦超出阙值,土地利用子系统对生物多样性将产生不可逆转的影响并使整个复合系统处于受损阶段。

    Research puts forward that land use activities must be in the threshold of ecological system , once beyond the threshold , the land use subsystem will bring about an irreversible impact on biodiversity , even making the composite system in damaging stage .

  26. 中国家养动物优良品种,对世界家养动物品种遗传资源多样性的发展产生积极的贡献。

    The Chinese excellent domestic breeds have been making active contributions to the global biodiversity .

  27. 应用分形理论进行植被格局及多样性研究就产生于这种背景之下。

    The studies on vegetation patterns and diversity by using fractal theory are generated under this background .

  28. 由于海洋微生物的物种多样性,其产生的活性物质种类丰富、结构多样,作为抗癌药物的新药源,具有巨大的开发潜力,已经成为海洋药物研究的焦点。

    Due to their species diversity , marine microorganisms can produce diversified active substances with various structures .

  29. 伴随着对监测方法的多样性,也产生了许多变形监测数据处理的方法和手段。

    Along with the diversity of monitoring methods , also generated a lot of ways and means of deformation monitoring data processing .

  30. 在算法陷入局部最优时,通过该方法驱散粒子以提高种群多样性,避免产生早熟收敛现象。

    When the algorithm is in local optimum , this method can disperse the particles and improve the diversity of the population and avoid premature convergence .