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chuán tóu
  • bow;prow;bow of a ship;stem;ship's bow;nose
船头 [chuán tóu]
  • [bow] 即船首

船头[chuán tóu]
  1. 于是小船转过船头,再次背着风。

    Whereupon the little boat turned her nose once more down the wind .

  2. 这艘快船从船头到船尾全长36英尺。

    The length of the clipper from stem to stern is thirty-six feet .

  3. 这条船船头是圆的,船尾则是方的。

    The boat is rounded at the front but squared off at the back .

  4. 他掉转船头。

    He brought the ship about .

  5. 他们为这艘船铸造了一个完整的新船头。

    They moulded a complete new bow section for the boat .

  6. 那时浪高大约有5英尺,船头在上下颠簸。

    The waves were about five feet now , and the bow of the boat was leaping up and down .

  7. 如果风向改变,你必须掉转船头。

    If the wind changes you 'll have to bring her about .

  8. 他走到船头看帆是否挂好了。

    He went tore to see whether the sail was properly in place .

  9. 受伤的船长,躺在船头,默默无语。

    The injured captain , lying in the bow of the boat , said nothing .

  10. 出航六小时后,那船掉转船头,开始返航。

    After being in the water for six hours , the ship beat about and sailed for home .

  11. 而香港电灯有限公司(HongkongElectricCo.)拥有的另一艘船在事故发生后船尾几乎立刻沉入水中,其船头则几乎是垂直耸立在空中。

    The other boat , owned by Hongkong Electric Co. , was upended almost immediately , its bow sticking nearly straight up into the air .

  12. 提出了一种可用于船(舰)载的Ku波段微波波高计,它是一种非接触式的波高测量设备,可架设于船头,动态测量海浪波高参数。

    A Ku-band microwave wave-height meter is proposed . It is a remote wave-height detecting equipment . It can be set up on the head of a ship to detect wave-height dynamically .

  13. 船头:船或小艇的前面部分。

    Bow : The front section of a ship or boat .

  14. 当风向改变时,我们可以拨转船头吗?

    Shall we bring the ship round when the wind changes ?

  15. 然后他挪动身子慢慢地回到船头。

    Then he worked his way slowly back to the bow .

  16. 船头给一枚水雷炸掉了。

    The ship 's bow was blown off by a mine .

  17. 进来坐,船头还是船尾?

    Come in , have a seat . Bow or stern ?

  18. 船头向上静止倾斜静态液力旋转斜盘马达

    "" bow up " static trim " hydrostatic swashplate motor

  19. 你必须向船头走去。

    You will have to go forward of the mast .

  20. 风转向了,我们不得不调转船头。

    The wind changed and we had to bring the ship around .

  21. 静看云起云又落,闲坐船头作渔翁。

    Static view from the clouds and cloud-to sit bow to Fisherman .

  22. 把我船头拉入破冰船船尾凹部。

    I start to draw my bow into stern notch of ice-breaker .

  23. 风太大,我们最好调转船头。

    The wind is too strong ; we had better ease to .

  24. 在风暴中船头完全被损坏了。

    The bow of the ship is completely damaged in the storm .

  25. 游艇碰上了礁石,撞坏了船头。

    The yacht hit a rock and damaged her bows .

  26. 一艘拖轮牵引着那条船的船头将它转了个弯。

    A tug pulled the bow of the ship round .

  27. 他们调转船头,船尾翻起一片水花。

    They brought the ship round with a wash of water astern .

  28. 把左舷船头拖船绑牢。

    Make fast tug ( s ) on port bow .

  29. 冲上船头的浪花溅到照片上。

    The spray coming over the bow sprinkled the photograph .

  30. 船头船尾都装有导弹。

    Missiles were sited fore and aft on the ship .