
  1. 其次,新文人画是对大众水墨画的提升。

    Second , the new ink paintings is the upgrading of the public .

  2. 由新文人画的小巧引发的思考

    The Consideration of New Scholar Painting 's Pettiness

  3. 论新文人画的内涵

    On " The New Scholar Drawings "

  4. 当然,知识分子与现实不可弥合的矛盾仍然是新文人画精神内涵的来源。

    Of course , intellectuals and irreconcilable contradiction between the reality of the new paintings are still a source of spiritual connotation .

  5. 新文人画是一种以复古为革新的思潮,作为艺术创作,是一条可以继续尝试的道路。

    New paintings is a kind of retro for the innovative ideas , as an artistic creation , is a way you can keep trying .

  6. 比如有借鉴民间艺术的,还有被称为新文人画的玩趣味的,又有贴近当代生活的都市水墨。

    For example , a reference to the folk art , there are also referred to as new paintings of playing with interesting and relevant to contemporary life of the city of ink .

  7. 到了上世纪八十年代,改革开放带来的文化改变,剧烈地影响着中国画的价值取向,衍生出新文人画实验水墨这样的夹生物。

    Century up to the eighties , the reform and opening-up brought about by cultural change , dramatic impact on the value orientation of Chinese painting , derived from the " new paintings " " experimental ink and wash painting " This folder biology .

  8. 恰在当时应运而生的新文人画也从最初的抗争的声音变成了找寻存在价值的一场游戏。

    Just came into being at that time the new paintings from the original voice of protest turned into a search for the value of the existence of a " game . " How to developing the New Scholar Drawing in a new era ?