
  1. 随着国家发布《新能源汽车产业发展规划》有关内容,作为节能环保新能源汽车的电动汽车将成为我国主要发展方向。

    Along with the release " of new energy vehicle development plan ," the content , as energy-saving electric vehicles new energy vehicles will become the main direction of development .

  2. 为此,我国政府推出许多新能源汽车产业发展规划,通过政府的宏观调控来促进新能源汽车产业的发展,实现节能减排和低碳经济的发展。

    Therefore , China has introduced many new energy vehicles industry development plan , to promote the development of new energy vehicles industry through the intervention of government policy , to achieve energy-saving emission reduction and low-carbon economy in China .