
  1. Si-Al-O-N系中的新型耐火材料

    New materials in Si-Al-O-N system for refractory industry

  2. 对HREMO新型耐火材料的初步研究作了介绍,指出该材料作为一种较廉价的新型耐火材料将有广阔的应用前景。

    The study on HREMO new refractory materials are described , the results show that it is a vast application prospects as cheaper new refractory materials .

  3. 国产配套新型耐火材料在横火焰池窑上的应用

    Application of New Domestic Refractories in Cross - fired Tank Furnace

  4. 展望八十年代钢铁工业耐火材料平炉出钢口的新型耐火材料

    Outlook of refractory materials for iron and steel industry for the eighties

  5. 探寻开发新型耐火材料的途径

    Exploring the ways for developing new - type refractories

  6. 新型耐火材料在火电厂锅炉的应用

    Application of New Refractory in Utility Boilers

  7. 新型耐火材料试条模具的研究

    New Die Designing for Refractory Testing Bar

  8. 钢铁冶金用新型耐火材料

    New-type Refractory Used in Ferrous Metallurgy

  9. 主要介绍新型耐火材料&快干抗渣浇注料、快干自流浇注料的特性及其在加热炉炉墙中的施工工艺。

    This paper chiefly introduced the new refractory pouring material of the resisted wastes of quick-drying pouring material and the automatic-flowing quick-drying pouring material .

  10. 文章简述了包钢(集团)公司新型耐火材料厂3座250m3石灰竖窑烟尘治理工程;

    This paper briefly introduces the prevention engineering of the dust-removal of the three 250 m3 lime-kilns in the New-type Refractory Plant of Baotou Steel Corp.

  11. 通过开发新型耐火材料,达到减小转炉侵蚀速度、延长转炉炉龄、降低生产成本、提高转炉作业率的目的。

    Through the test of new material , it shows that this material can slow down the refractory erosion rate and prolong the life of the converter .

  12. 针对这些原因,应采取的措施为:施工部门加大监管力度,采用新型耐火材料,强化市民火灾逃生知识。

    For these reasons , measures should be taken : the construction sector increased supervision , the use of new refractory materials , and strengthen public knowledge of the fire escape .

  13. 炉膛采用新型耐火纤维材料,真空成型,炉丝镶嵌在炉膛内壁炉温均匀,升温快。

    The hearth is formed into a vacuum using new type refractory fiber material .

  14. 烧成微孔铝炭砖具有优良的使用性能,是一种适合高炉炉缸到炉身中部区域的新型优质耐火材料。

    The burning microporous alumina-carbon brick has good service performance and is a new quality refractory for the area from hearth to middle part of stack .

  15. 介绍了熔炼铜及铝合金的无心感应炉用新型干式耐火材料的研制、性能和使用情况。

    The developing process , properties as well as operating of the new type of ramming drier refractory which is suited for coreless induction furnace for melting copper and its alloy are introduced in this paper .

  16. 介绍中频无心感应熔铝炉用新型干式成型耐火材料和使用情况。

    A new type of ramming drier material and its working situation of medium frequency coreless induction furnace for melting aluminum are stated .

  17. 本文主要介绍双辊连铸中侧封技术的研究概况及新型侧封板耐火材料的研制情况。

    This paper introduces the side dam technique for twin - roll continuous casting as well as refractory materials used for side dam .