
  • 网络Multilayer Print Board;multilayer printed board;multilayer printed circuit board
  1. 多层印制板的制作是一个生产工序复杂且周期很长的过程,那么造成金属化孔镀层空洞的原因也就很复杂。

    Making Multilayer printed board has a complex working procedure and long period , then the reason of causing Void PTH is very complex .

  2. 层压板热压释放残余应力对多层印制板品质的改善

    Improvement of Multilayer Printed Board Quality by Relieving Residual Hot-pressing Stress

  3. 在微机上实现的多层印制板自动布线系统

    Automatic routing system of multilayer print circuit board implemented on Microcomputer

  4. GB/T4677.18-1988多层印制板层间绝缘电阻测试方法

    Test method for insulation resistance between layers of multilayer printed boards

  5. 多层印制板生产中的电镀锡保护技术

    Tin Plating Protective Technology in Production of Multilayer Printed Circuit Board

  6. 多层印制板工程资料的质量控制

    Quality Control Of The Project Datum Of The Multilayer PCB

  7. 简介:成立于1986年,是生产双面和多层印制板的专业公司。

    Specialize manufactured double sided and multilayer PCB from 1986 .

  8. 在多层印制板生产中,工程资料制作的质量在印制板生产中占据了举足轻重的地位。

    The Quality of project datum play a decisive role in PCB production .

  9. 多层印制板设计与提高可靠性的途径

    Design of multilayer PCB and way of increasing reliability

  10. 埋/盲孔多层印制板制造技术研究

    Study on the Manufacturing Technology of the Buried / Blind Via Multilayer Printed Circuit Board

  11. 多层印制板层压工艺及减少翘曲产生的方法

    The Technology of Laminating of Multilayer Printed Circuit Board and the Methods of Decreasing the Warp

  12. 层间全内导通多层印制板

    ALIVH multilayer printed Board sequentially-laminated mulitlayer

  13. 多层印制板金属化孔镀层缺陷成因分析及相应对策

    The Analysis of the Plating Defects of Plated through Hole of the Multi-layer Printed Circuit Board and Countermeasures

  14. 微波多层印制板层压工艺技术研究

    Study on the Technics of the Pressing of Microwave Multilayer Printed Circuit Board / Ceramic Particle Filled Laminates

  15. 简单介绍两种陶瓷粉填充微波多层印制板的制造工艺流程。

    The fabrication procedure of two kinds of microwave multilayer printed circuit board filled with ceramic particles is briefly introduced .

  16. 简要概述了带有埋/盲孔厚铜箔多层印制板制作过程中的厚度控制要点和方法。

    This paper describes the outline and the method of the thickness control for heavy copper multilayer PCB with blind and buffed vias .

  17. 本文阐述了埋盲孔多层印制板的制作工艺,并对关键工序的控制作了详细说明。

    This article discussed the manufacturing technology of multilayer PCB with buried and blind hole , also explained the key process control in detail .

  18. 其次,设计了基于平面铁芯和ML-PCB(多层印制电路板)绕组的变压器,该变压器使绕组布线更加灵活、精准,提高了变压器批量生产时其分布参数的一致性。

    Secondly , a transformer based on planar core and the ML-PCB ( multi-layer printed circuit board ) winding is designed , so that wiring of the transformer windings is more flexible , accurate , and improved the conformance of the distributed ( parasitic ) parameters of the transformer mass .

  19. 高散热热匹配多层印制线路板

    High heat - Sinking and Heat Matching Multiplaten Printed Circuit Board

  20. 环氧树脂在新型多层印制电路板上的应用

    Application of epoxy resin to new multi-layer printed circuit board

  21. 多层印制线路板内层铜的黑氧化

    Black oxidation for copper in multilayer printed circuit boards

  22. 介绍了多层印制线路板内层铜墙表面的黑氧化技术。

    Black oxidation technology for copper in multilayer printed circuit board was introduced .

  23. 高密度多层印制电路板生产过程中的品质管理浅议

    High Density Multilayer Printed Circuit Board Produce Process Mesne Quality Manage Simple Discuss

  24. 多层印制线路板用无卤型粘结片&玻纤布环氧树脂JPCA-ES-06-2000

    Halogen-free Prepreg for Multilayer PCB-fiber Glass Epoxy Resin-JPCA-ES-06-2000

  25. 多层印制电路板电镀工艺控制浅析

    Analysis of Plating Process Control for Multi-layer PCB

  26. 埋电阻台阶式多层微波印制板制造技术研究微波印制电路板制造工艺及其电阻集成

    Study on the Processing Technology of the Step Designed Planar Buried Resistant Microwave Multilayer Printed Circuit Board

  27. 通孔作为垂直互联的主要实现方式在多层印制电路板和芯片封装中起着至关重要的作用。

    As a vertical interconnect channel , through-hole plays an important role in multi-layer PCBs and IC packages .

  28. 多层印制电路板的线探索布线

    Line-Search Multi-Layer PCB Router

  29. 用数值模拟法研究战斗部侵彻多层间隔靶层间全内导通多层印制板

    Numerical Simulation of Warhead Penetrating into Multi-Layer Spaced Target ALIVH multilayer printed Board