
  1. 目的:比较CR和传统屏一片在胸部床边摄影的应用,为临床的诊治提供丰富的影像资料。

    Objective To compare the application of CR and traditional screen-film in the chest photography at bedside , and provide adequate photography materials for the clinical diagnosis and treatment .

  2. 方法:随机抽取胸部床边摄影病例2000例,随机分2组,即CR组、传统屏一片组。

    Methods 2,000 cases of the chest photography taken at bedside were chosen and divided into 2 groups randomly , including the Group CR and the Group of traditional screen - film .

  3. 用散斑屏一次曝光抽样实现密度假彩色编码

    Pseudocolor Density Encoding by Means of One Exposure Technique Through Speckle Screen

  4. 彩色触摸屏一健操作,中、英文双语显示!

    One key operation on the intuitive menu-driven touch screen , both Chinese and English firmware avavilable .

  5. 穿孔率P为穿孔屏的一个重要参数。

    The perforating rate P is an im - portant parameter .

  6. 微软最近发布了一款名叫Surface的平板电脑,它搭载了一个完整的Windows版本,拥有一块触摸屏和一个内置键盘,而且还可以与微软的移动操作系统同步。

    MS recently announced it is creating its own hybrid-tablet device , surface , that runs a full version of windows , with a touch screen and built-in keyboard , and synchronizes with its mobile operating system .

  7. 通过简单的触摸或按压,无需电池辅助,科学家们成功地在液晶触摸屏、一排20盏LED灯以及软键盘上完成操作。

    Scientists successfully operated an LCD touch screen , a bank of 20 LED lights and a flexible keyboard , all with a simple touching or pressing motion and without the aid of a battery .

  8. 苹果在去年9月推出的AppleWatch,预计将在4月上架销售,它是一个戴在手腕上的微型电脑,配有一块触摸屏和一个用于设备界面导航的表冠。

    The Apple Watch , which Apple introduced last September and is expected to be in stores in April , is a miniature computer worn around the wrist , with a touch screen and a crown for navigating the device .

  9. 这是一个可以扇型打开的智能手机,打开后会呈现一个漂亮的柔性OLED触摸屏。一个个智能手机爱好者开放,Flutter赢在其科幻大片的特色。

    A smartphone that fans open to reveal a beautiful flexible OLED touch screen that scrolls radially , the Flutter has won the opportunity to be featured in future blockbuster film .

  10. 演示视频显示,利用这种纳米发电器,科学家们在未使用电池的情况下,仅靠简单的触碰和按压动作,成功运转了一个LCD触摸屏、一组20只的LED灯泡和一个可弯曲键盘。

    Demonstration videos show that with the nanogenerator , the scientists successfully operated an LCD touch screen , a bank of 20 LED lights and a flexible keyboard , all with a simple touching or pressing motion and without the aid of a battery .

  11. 它们还有1G内存、一个键盘、一个触摸屏、一个160GB的硬盘或一个32GB的闪存。

    They have a gig of ram , a keyboard and touchpad and a 160GB hard drive or 32GB of flash storage .

  12. 但是目前IPTV系统中的内容分发网络(CDN)和数字版权管理(DRM)技术很难满足三屏合一条件下对UGC业务运营的要求,因此本论文针对这些技术问题提出相应的系统解决方案。

    However , the current content distribution network ( CDN ) and digital rights management ( DRM ) technology of IPTV system is difficult to meet the requirements to UGC business operations under the conditions of three-screen syncretism .

  13. 我不知道你们是否看过一个视屏,一种著名的Winzip低可用性测试,有没有人看过这个视屏?

    I don 't know if you guys have ever seen a video , a sort of famously bad usability test of Winzip Anybody 've seen that video ?

  14. 基于触摸屏的一种检漏机控制系统的改进

    The Improvement of Leak Detection Machine Control System Based on the Touching Screen

  15. 触摸屏是一种广泛使用的输入设备,一般连接到电脑上使用。

    Touching screen is an input equipment which is used with a computer and is used widely .

  16. 对于波形道,光束在荧光屏面的一点上聚焦。

    For a wiggly-line trace , the beam is focused on the scope face at a point .

  17. 而且黑莓花了好几年的时间才推出一块真正好用的、以消费者体验为中心的触摸屏和一个还算合格的操作系统。

    It also took years to offer a truly usable consumer-focused touch screen with a decent operating system .

  18. 电子墨水屏只有一部分是触摸感应的,未来的机型可能会采用彩色屏幕和全触屏。

    The screen is only partially touch-sensitive , with color and a full touch-screen a possibility for later generations .

  19. 圆块,团圆形突出物不透明屏上一个圆孔仅仅透射波面的一小圆块。

    A rounded protuberance . A circular opening in an opaque screen transmits only a small circular patch of a wave surface .

  20. 触摸屏是一种触式传感的荧光屏,操作手点触到屏幕时能给出其坐标位置。

    Touch screen is one of touch-based sensor , which supplies to the processor the screen position indexed while touched by an operator 's finger .

  21. 这套设备除了一般的电话送话器以外,还包括一个小萤光屏和一个电视摄像机。

    In addition to the usual telephone handset the equipment includes a small television screen and , combined with the screen , a television camera .

  22. 由该式可知,就光强输出而言,前屏具有一个最佳厚度,在此厚度下光强输出最大。

    If can be seen from this formula that there is an optimized thickness for front screen , at this thickness the light output is largest .

  23. 触摸屏作为一种最新的输入设备,它是目前最简单、方便、自然的一种人机交互方式。

    Touch screen as a new input device , it is currently the most simple , convenient and natural way of a kind of human-computer interaction .

  24. 触摸屏作为一种新的计算机输入设备,统一了触觉和视觉,使人机交互更加直观、便捷。

    As a new kind of computer input device , touch screen unified the tactile and visual , and made the computer interaction more intuitive and convenient .

  25. 该套设备包括一个手感舒适的液晶触摸屏、一个内置的支架,还有一只无线的脚控踏板。

    Back to the subject at hand , the CLEF system consists of a flexible LCD touch screen with a built-in stand and a wireless foot pedal .

  26. “怒退”(玩游戏时队友不给力,被对方铲杀,愤怒退出)不久前才被收入牛津在线词典,不过“屏怒”一词被收录的可能行似乎并不大。

    Though ‘ rage-quit ' was recently added to OxfordDictionaries.com , screen rage 's chances look less than stellar .

  27. talk命令会清屏,并在屏中间画一条点线。

    The talk command clears your screen and draws a dotted line across the middles .

  28. 多计算机共享大屏LCD的一个方案

    The Scheme for Multi-Computer Shared LCD Screen

  29. 怎样在CRT视屏上显示一个立体的图像?

    How to realize artificial stereoscopic vision and how to display a stereo-image on CRT screen ?

  30. 在普通液晶显示器的背光源与LCD屏之间插入一块特殊的光栅板是主流自由立体显示器基本配置,照明盒与光栅板结合构成视差照明方式实现对LCD屏的照明。

    The mainstream configuration of autostereoscopic display is to insert a shutter between liquid crystal display ( LCD ) screen and illumination box .