
  1. 目前关于龙之章《蠢子医》学术思想的研究著述非常少,几近空白。

    Academic thinking about the the Dragon chapter stupid child medical writings is very small , almost blank .

  2. 行医数十年终臻学验俱丰境界。后为子孙生计谋,草书成篇,以课诸孙,积久成《蠢子医》。

    Practicing medicine dozens of year-end the Ju Feng Zhen learning experience realm . After Health and strategy for future generations , cursive a chapter to the lesson Zhu Sun .

  3. 本论文从龙之章、《蠢子医》、学术思想三部分展开研究,研究作者和书是准确、深入、系统研究学术思想的前提,是必不可少的研究内容。

    This thesis chapter from the Dragon , stupid child of medical , academic thought research , study author and the book is accurate , in-depth research in academic disciplines premise is essential .
