
  • 网络Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry;Inorganic & Analytical Chemistry
  1. 《无机及分析化学》在多媒体教学的应用及思考

    The Application and Thinking of Multimedia in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Teaching

  2. 生物专业《无机及分析化学》实验教学改革初探

    Initial Exploration in the Teaching Reform of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Experiment

  3. 在无机及分析化学教学中渗透化学史教育

    An Integration of Chemistry History Education into Inorganic-Analytical Chemistry Teaching

  4. 药学专业无机及分析化学教学改革的探索

    Exploration of the teaching reform in inorganic and analytical chemistry

  5. 无机及分析化学课程考试模式改革的实践与探讨

    Practice and Discussion on Test Model of Inorganic & Analytical Chemistry Curriculum

  6. 浅谈无机及分析化学课程的改革与建设

    Briefly talking about the reformation and construction of inorganic and analytical chemistry curricula

  7. 实现无机及分析化学实验绿色化的探索

    Probe into Realize Environment-friendly Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Experiments

  8. 《无机及分析化学》课程教学与改革的探索

    Research on Teaching and Reform in " Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry " Curriculum

  9. 农科院校无机及分析化学网络课程的设计开发

    Design and Development of Network Course of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry in Agricultural Universities

  10. 浅议面向二十一世纪高等农林专科无机及分析化学的教学改革

    A Primary Discussion on the Teaching Reform Facing 21 Century of Inoiganic & analytical Chemistry of Agricultural and Forestry Colleges

  11. 前言:根据学生基础知识水平,将“分层教学”引入无机及分析化学的教学。

    According to the students basic knowledge level ," teaching by different levels " was introduced into inorganic and analytical chemistry teaching .

  12. 本文讨论了面向21世纪高等农林专科学校无机及分析化学的教学改革中涉及内容、方法及手段方面的一些问题。

    This paper discuses some problems in the teaching reform facing 21 century of inor - ganic & analytical chemistry of agricultural and forestry colleges that involved the content , the methods and the measures .

  13. 对无机及分析化学实验进行全面整合,可精简实验内容,缩减实验学时,强化实验技能训练,规范实验操作,进而培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,大大提高实验教学的教学质量。

    Inorganic chemistry and analytical chemistry experiment were reorganized and combined completely . So the experiment contents were condensed , the teaching period was reduced . Through enforcing the training of students ' skills and standardizing the experimental operation , the teaching quality was enhanced greatly .

  14. 根据教学实践,从精心组织教学内容、引导学生改进学习方法、培养学生学习兴趣、采用启发式教学法以及充分运用现代化教学手段等方面阐述了对药学专业无机及分析化学的教学改革。

    The reform in inorganic and analytical chemistry of pharmaceutical specialization are expounded from the following aspects : organizing the course content elaborately , improving the students ' learning method , cultivating the students ' interests , adopting the teaching strategy of enlightenment and carrying out the multimedia-aided teaching .