
  • 网络Chinese Hospital Management
  1. 积极稳步地开展医院分级管理与医院评审工作&为《中国医院管理》杂志创刊十周年而作

    Do an Active and Steady Work in Hospital Stratified Management and Hospital Appraisal & On the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Publication of the Journal " CHINESE HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT "

  2. JCI国际评审标准与中国医院管理评价指南(试行)的比较

    Comparing China Hospital Accreditation Standard with JCI

  3. 实行医院分级管理深化医疗管理体制改革为《中国医院管理杂志》百期而作

    Implement Management according to the Different Levels of Hospitals to Deepen the Reform of Management System of Medical Services

  4. 《中华医院管理杂志》和《中国医院管理》两种期刊是医院管理类文献主要的专业期刊,约有1/5的医院管理文献刊载于其中;

    Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration and Chinese Hospital Administration are two major professional periodicals devoted to literature on hospital administration , publishing one fifth of the literature in this aspect .

  5. 中国医院后勤管理工作回顾与展望&中国医院协会后勤专业委员会十年历程

    Hospital logistics management review and prospect : ten years for Logistics Committee of Chinese Hospital Association

  6. 21世纪初中国医院药事管理面临的挑战与对策

    The challenge and strategy of Chinese hosptial pharmacy administration in 21 ~ ( st ) century

  7. 目的:探讨21世纪初中国医院药事管理需要解决的主要问题。

    Objective : To discuss the main problems of Chinese hospital pharmacy administration in the early21th century Method : The development history of hospital pharma (?)

  8. 结果:21世纪初中国医院药事管理面临的是医院药房工作模式转型和医院药房建设发展两大挑战。

    Results : The transformation of hospital pharmacy working mode and the development of hospital pharmacy are two critical challenges for Chinese hospital pharmacy administration in21th century .

  9. 同时在制度保证的基础上,针对中国医院人力资源管理的发展,着重提出了当前需要解决的问题。

    At the same time , We put forward the questions to be solved on the basis of the institution guarantee .

  10. 中方愿与德方加强医院管理合作,利用德国的先进经验,帮助中国提升医院综合管理水平。

    China is ready to enhance cooperation with Germany on hospital management and draw on German experience to improve the overall management of Chinese hospitals .

  11. 中国非营利医院绩效管理的作用与基本原则

    The functions of the performance management and its application in the Chinese non-profit hospitals

  12. 要精心设计有中国医院特色的质量管理课。

    The quality management course with Chinese hospital character needed to be well designed .

  13. 愿意在公立医院的治理和监管机制等方面开展合作,探索符合中国国情的公立医院管理模式。

    In public hospitals are willing to governance and monitoring mechanisms to cooperate with China 's national conditions to explore the management of public hospitals .

  14. 结论针对这些问题讨论了解决对策,以期提高中国医院的人力资源管理水平。

    Conclusion To aim at these questions , author had developed new countermeasure to solve these questions , and to advance the level of human resource management of the hospital in China .

  15. 随着中国医疗政策的变化,中国非营利医院的管理日益重要。

    The management in the Chinese non-profit hospitals is more and more important under the new public healthcare policy .