
  • 网络mediator;mediating mechanism;intermediate mechanisms
  1. 本文在自我决定理论的框架下,引入被SDT研究者普遍接受的基本心理需要这一心理机制,来探讨目标内容与主观幸福感之间的关系及其中介机制。

    Under the framework of self-determination theory , this study introduced the basic psychological needs theory that is generally accepted by the SDT researchers as the psychological mechanism , to explore the relationship , especially the intermediary mechanism between the goal content and subjective well-being .

  2. 蝴蝶效应指通过触发中介机制而引起目标反应的效应,中医治疗疾病多数通过蝴蝶效应而取效。

    Butterfly Reaction is the objective reaction derived from medial mechanism .

  3. 结构调整是联系经济增长和结构优化的中介机制。工业经济增长的周期性和需求演进性两重特点,决定了工业结构调整有均衡型调整和非均衡型调整两种模式。

    Structural adjustment is a connection between economic growth and structure optimization .

  4. 企业高绩效工作系统:组织承诺中介机制的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Enterprise 's High Performance Work Systems and its Mediated Mechanism

  5. 团队规范影响研发人员创造力的中介机制研究&以知识共享为例

    Study on the Mechanism of Group Norms and R D Professional Creativity The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing

  6. 它作为应激和健康的中介机制,对身心健康的保护起重要作用。

    As an agency mechanism of stress and health , coping play an important role in maintaining mental health .

  7. 探索团队冲突与团队产出之间中介机制的实证研究怎样在生产过程中体现出团队合作?

    Exploring the Underlying Mediating Processes between Intragroup Conflict and Team Outcomes How does team work fit into production ?

  8. 2型糖尿病患者用帕罗西丁治疗前后情绪中介机制的研究

    A Study of the psychosocial factor in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus before and after treatment with Paroxetine

  9. 为了降低土地流转的交易费用,必须建立和规范土地交易中介机制;

    To reduce the transaction costs of land transference , we should establish and perfect the medium mechanism of land transference ;

  10. 而从产权的角度来看,金融中介机制的运行过程实质上就是金融中介、资金供给者、资金需求者等行为主体之间进行的一系列金融交易行为的集合。

    In fact , the mechanism is a combination of financial transactions among financial intermediations , suppliers of funds and demanders of funds .

  11. 采用实证研究方法,探讨了团队互动在团队薪酬体系影响团队任务绩效过程中的中介机制。

    In the first study , questionnaire was used to confirm the mediation mechanism of team interaction between team-based rewards and team task performance .

  12. 该研究深入分析了中央执行的三个子功能在数学焦虑影响数学表现过程中的中介机制作用。

    The study analyzes the Intermediation role of the three subcomponents of central executive function in-depth in the process about Math anxiety affect math performance .

  13. 从社会的角度建立信誉的关键是建立中介机制并使信息透明化,主要包括企业的身份认证和信誉评价;

    The key to the social reputation mechanism is the establishment of medium mechanisms of the identification of firms ' status and appraisal and consultation of the firms ' reputation .

  14. 探讨寻求专业性心理帮助的态度在各预测因素和寻求专业性心理帮助行为意向之间的中介机制。

    It is important to examine the mediation mechanism of the attitude toward seeking professional psychological help in the relation between other predictor and the intention to seeking professional psychological help .

  15. 其次,论文分析了智力与专长获得的关系,认为智力影响专长的获得,但只起有限的基础作用,且智力与专长获得间存在中介机制。

    Secondly , the dissertation analyzes the relationship between intelligence and expertise acquisitions , takes conclusions that the effect of intelligence is limited and some mechanisms mediating the former and the later .

  16. 梅尔文表示,如果今天这一切还没有出现,那么很大程度上是因为目前的中介机制(投资决策外包的方式)存在缺陷。

    If this is not happening today , Mr Melvin said it is largely because of the weakness of the current system of intermediation , the way in which investment decision making is outsourced .

  17. 一种改进型的多agent系统中介学习机制

    One Learning Mechanism in Matchmaking Process of Multi-Agent Systems

  18. 老龄化、非中介化机制与金融体系变迁

    Aging , Mechanics of Disintermediation and the Evolution of the World Financial System

  19. 建立和完善促进高新技术产业化的中介转化机制;

    Establish and perfect mediate and conversion mechanism ;

  20. 第二,教育系统内部与外部相结合,构建有效的社会中介评价机制。

    School-based evaluation system allows schools to set up their own evaluation mechanism according to their specific situations .

  21. 1999~2003年国际汇率体系变迁的统计分析老龄化、非中介化机制与金融体系变迁

    The Evolution of Exchange Rate Regimes During 1999 - 2003 ; Aging , Mechanics of Disintermediation and the Evolution of the World Financial System

  22. 本文首先探析了美国教师资格外部中介认证机制产生的背景,并对其发展现状予以了具体介绍。

    First , this paper analyzed the background of the external and intermediary Teachers ' qualification authentication mechanism of US and elaborated its current status .

  23. 以此为基础,从市场机制、多元投资机制、科技创新机制、中介服务机制和保障机制五方面构建了区域科技与经济系统协调发展的运行机制网络体系。

    It also set up the corresponding mechanism system including market mechanism , diversity investment mechanism , ST innovation mechanism , lie service mechanism and guarantee mechanism .

  24. 本文主要考察了主动性人格影响与工作相关的结果变量中发生的中介作用机制。

    This article focuses on the mediation mechanism of how proactive personality impacting the contextual performance related outcomes , such as work engagement and organizational citizen behaviors ( OCB ) .

  25. 本文以一则典型的、成功的案例为背景,通过对交易中介治理机制的分析和解释,提出了对交易中介有效激励和治理的五个基本命题,并进行理论对比分析和引申讨论。

    Taking a typical and successful case for the background , This paper bring forward four basic propositions for the effective incentive and governance of the transaction intermediary through the analyses and interpreting of governance mechanism for the transaction intermediaries . And then made some theoretical comparison and extended discussion .

  26. 最后,本文从优化货币量中介目标传导机制和优化货币供应量指标两个角度提出政策建议,具体措施是通过加快利率市场化进程、提高测算精确度和使用Divisia货币指数来实现。

    At last , this dissertation gives some suggestions from two aspects : optimizing intermediary transmission mechanism and optimizing money supply index in detail , i.e. accelerating the process of Interest Rate Marketing , improving the accuracy of measurement and using the new money index called Divisia .

  27. 国家创新体系中现代社会中介组织作用机制研究

    Role Mechanism Study of Modern Social Intermediary Organizations in National Innovation System

  28. 基于旅游服务供应链的中介机构协调机制研究

    Agency Coordination Mechanism Based on Tourism Service Supply Chain

  29. 最后,我们为建立三维中介模型检验机制解释准则准确性对激进报告决定的影响程度提供支持。

    Finally , we find support for a three-path mediating model examining mechanisms driving the effect of standard precision on aggressive reporting decisions .

  30. 考虑到制度缺失的完善是需要一个过程的,因此,内部的自律就自然地成了构建公益性社会中介组织责任机制的核心。

    Perfecting the systemic defect needs a course , therefore , inside " self-discipline " becomes the naturally core of building responsibility-system for the public welfare social intermediary organizations .