
  • 网络animal epidemic prevention
  1. 陕西水生动物防疫检疫工作分析与研究

    Analyse and research of Shaanxi aquatic animal epidemic prevention and quarantine

  2. 动物防疫监督证章标志管理软件的研发

    Development of a Software for the Management of Certificates Seals and Marks in Animal Epidemic Prevention Supervision

  3. 本文提出了我国兽医防疫管理体制改革的基本思路和建议:根据市场经济运行规律和WTO规则的要求,加快动物防疫法制化进程;

    This paper produces some basic thinking and advices on reforming livestock epidemic management system . : according to market-oriented economy rules and WTO rules , step up the legalization of animal epidemic prevention ;

  4. 采用VisualFoxPro6.0开发商品化动物防疫监督证章标志管理系统,取代现行手工管理模式,并引入科学管理机制。

    A commercial management system was developed for managing certificates , seals and marks in animal epidemic prevention supervision operations by means of Visual FoxPro 6.0 in an attempt to replace manual management operation and introduce scientific management mechanism .

  5. 关于建立国家动物防疫体系的建议

    Set up About National Animal Epidemic Prevention System Possible

  6. 农村动物防疫难以开展。

    Therefore , tt is hard to carry out epidemic prevention in the countryside .

  7. 周口市动物防疫体系现状的调查研究临床护士化疗职业防护现状调查分析

    Survey and analysis on the status of vocational protection of chemotherapy for clinical nurses

  8. 四川省绵阳市地震灾后动物防疫应急工作评估

    Evaluation on Emergency Work of Animal Epidemic Prevention after Earthquake of Mianyang in Sichuan Province

  9. 建立原料检验采购制度,坚持依法做好动物防疫。

    Establish raw material inspection procurement systems , insist on animal epidemic prevention shall do .

  10. 根据当前动物防疫体系现状,对组装好动物保护工程进行了论述,提出了贯彻预防为主的方针,实施强制免疫;

    According to present situation of Animal epidemic prevention system , Animal Protection engineering is formed .

  11. 论动物防疫在西部新农村建设中的问题及对策

    On the Problems of Animal Epidemic Prevention in Building New Rural Areas of West China and Their Countermeasures

  12. 动物防疫监督机构应当迅速采取措施,并按照国家有关规定上报。

    The latter shall promptly take measures and report the case to the higher authority according to the relevant state provisions .

  13. 加大政府投入力度,积极进行制度创新,建立和完善动物防疫体系,提倡健康养殖。

    Increase government input , innovate system positively , erect animal epidemic prevention system and make it perfect , advocate healthy breeding .

  14. 动物防疫监督机构及人员进行动物防疫监督检查,不得收取费用。

    Supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention and their staff shall not collect fees for supervision and inspection of animal epidemic prevention .

  15. 动物防疫体系现状及影响农户采纳防疫技术的因素研究

    Analysis on the Current Situation of Animal Epidemic Prevention System and the Factors Influencing Household 's Adoption of the Epidemic Prevention Techniques

  16. 动物防疫监督机构有权对动物、物产品运输依法进行监督检查。

    Supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention shall have the right to supervise and inspect the transportation of animals and animal products according to law .

  17. 系统建立后,在上海的3个规模奶牛场进行了奶牛电子标识精密喂养系统和动物防疫管理系统的应用效果分析。

    After building the system , we made a analysis of the automatic accurate feeding system and animal epidemics prevention management system in three large-scale cow farms in Shanghai .

  18. 本法所称动物防疫,包括动物疫病的预防、控制、扑灭和动物、动物产品的检疫。

    " Animal epidemic prevention " referred to in this Law includes prevention , control and extermination of animal epidemics as well as quarantine of animals and animal products .

  19. 乡、族乡、的动物防疫组织应当在动物防疫监督机构的指导下,组织做好动物疫病预防工作。

    Animal epidemic prevention organs in townships , nationality townships and towns shall , under the guidance of the supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention , organize the prevention of animal epidemics .

  20. 动物防疫监督机构对屠宰场()宰的动物实行检疫并加盖动物防疫监督机构统一使用的验讫印章。

    Supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention shall carry out quarantine of animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses ( or points ) and affix to slaughtered animals their uniform stamps for having been inspected .

  21. 提交立法机关审议的法案还包括《动物防疫法》、《人民武装警察部队法》的修改草案,以及《著作权法》的修改草案。

    Bills presented to the legislature also include draft revisions to the laws on animal epidemic prevention and on the People 's Armed Police Force , as well as draft amendments to the copyright law .

  22. 可移动防疫监管技术在动物防疫工作中的应用县级以上人民政府所属的动物防疫监督机构实施动物防疫和动物防疫监督。

    Application of Movable Epidemic Prevention Administration Technology in Animal Epidemics The supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention under people 's governments at or above the county level shall execute animal epidemic prevention and supervision on animal epidemic prevention .

  23. 着重从政策、法律、经济、技术等方面阐述如何搞好动物防疫工作,提出了搞好动物防疫工作的重要性.衡阳市动物疫情现状分析与防治对策

    Above all , the article mainly expands how to prevent animal epidemics and its importance in terms of policy , law , economic and technology . Current Analysis of the Animal Epidemics and the Ways to Prevent Them in Hengyang

  24. 我国动物防疫法将鸭瘟列为三类疫病,是当前危害我国养禽业发展的主要疫病之一,其特征是流行广泛,传播迅速,发病率和死亡率高。

    DEV was classified as a thired-class epidemic by Chinese Law on Animal Epidemic Prevention , and it was one of the main diseases against the current development of poultry industry , characterized by the prevalence of extensive and rapid spread , high morbidity and mortality .

  25. 从加强畜产品安全制度建设,建立健全陕西省动物疫病的防疫体系和加大畜产品质量安全科研投入等方面提出了建议。

    Strengthen the security system of animal products from the building , establish and improve the Shaanxi Provincial animal disease prevention system , and increase the quality and safety of animal products , such as research into aspects of the proposal .

  26. 组装动物保护工程建设动物防疫体系

    Forming Animal Protection Engineering and Constructing Animal Epidemic Prevention System

  27. 目前,我国紧急动物疫病应急管理存在如下一些问题:由于动物防疫行政管理体制问题而造成应急管理权得不到有效实施;

    At present , there are some problems on the emergency management of our country : emergency management power can 't be exercised effectively because of the unreasonable distribution of the administrative management power of animal disease prevention ;

  28. 经营动物和动物产品的集贸市场应当符合本办法规定的动物防疫条件。

    Marketplaces trading animals and animal products shall satisfy the animal epidemic disease prevention conditions as specified in these Measures .