
  1. 上位机与PLC远程通信实现动态数据采集研究

    Research on Using Remote Serial Communication to Realize Data Acquisition

  2. 一种基于FPGA的外差干涉仪动态数据采集方法

    Dynamic data collection method of heterodyne interferometer based on FPGA

  3. 基于PLC与上位机的动态数据采集系统

    Data Acquisition Based on PLC and Host Computer

  4. 基于CPLD的光栅传感器动态数据采集系统

    Design of A Dynamic Data Acquisition System of Grating Sensors Based on CPLD

  5. 文章给出了CCD在动态数据采集过程中实时跟踪信号的变化来调整采集速度和信号增益的方法。

    This paper is on the methods of CCD on the adjustment in collecting speed and signal gain by tracing signal changes at real time in the course of dynamic data collecting .

  6. 介绍了基于USB2.0总线的高分辨率动态数据采集系统的开发过程,着重阐述了其硬件电路与固件程序的设计。

    In this paper , the developing about Motion Image Capture System of high resolution based on USB2.0 is introduced .

  7. 利用A-quad-B脉冲信号触发激光干涉仪进行同步动态数据采集,由激光干涉仪软件(根据IS0230-2标准)来获取和显示位置误差数据,并同步绘出非常真实详细的动态误差图。

    Such method uses the A-quad-B pulses as the position trigger signals . The software package of the HP laser interferometer permits the data acquisition and presentation of the dynamic errors in accordance with ISO-232 standard , and provides a realistic and detailed picture of the errors synchronously .

  8. 遥测应变动态数据采集处理装置及应用

    Telemetry Strain Dynamic Data Acquisition and Processing Device and Its Application

  9. 汽轮机叶片动态数据采集及分析的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Dynamic Data Acquiring and Analyzing Steam Turbine Blade

  10. 转动机械振动的测量与动态数据采集系统

    The Measurement of Roll-Machinery Vibration and Dynamic Date - Collect System

  11. LabWindows/CVI5.0积分函数在动态数据采集中的应用

    Application of Integrate Function of LabWindows / CVI5.0 in Data Acquisition

  12. 冲击加载试验中动态数据采集软件设计

    Software Design of Dynamic Data Collection in The Test of Impact Loading

  13. 柴油发电机组监控与动态数据采集系统的设计

    Design of Monitoring and Dynamic Data-Acquisition System for Diesel Gensets

  14. 高速转子动态数据采集与分析系统的研制

    Development of the Dynamic Data Acquisition and Analysis System for a High-Speed Rotor

  15. 高速公路路网调度管理动态数据采集标准化研究

    Dynamic Data Collection Standardization of Freeway Network Management System

  16. 一种高速多通道动态数据采集仪

    A High Speed Multiple Channel Dynamic Data Collection Device

  17. 动态数据采集系统中虚拟仪器的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Virtual Instrument in Dynamic Data Collecting & Analyzing System

  18. 旋转体动态数据采集系统的研制

    The Development of a Dynamic Data Collect System

  19. 进气道实验中动态数据采集及处理方法研究

    A Research on the Dynamic Data Sampling and Processing in Air - inlet Duct Test

  20. 动态数据采集及处理系统

    Dynamic Data Acquisition and Processing System

  21. 提供了直接面向操作者的动态数据采集分析系统的虚拟仪器硬件构成、设计与实现。

    This thesis provides the composition , design and realization of virtual instrument technology 's hardware which gears dynamic data collecting & analyzing system .

  22. 试验中采用了新研制的高精度旋翼天平和扭矩天平测量系统以及动态数据采集和处理系统,以确保试验结果的可靠性。

    The measurement system with the high accuracy rotor balance and torque balance and the data acquisition and processing system were employed in the experiments .

  23. 本文介绍的遥测应变动态数据采集处理装置是遥测应变技术同微型机动态数据采集处理装置的结合。

    Telemetry strain dynamic data acquisition and processing device introduced in this article is a combination of telemetry strain technigue and dynamic data acquisition and processing device with micro-computer .

  24. 试验结果表明:采集系统能够很好地采集到点焊过程监测信息,速度上可以完全达到实时性的要求,本文所研制的点焊过程动态数据采集系统具有较高的实用价值。

    The system has been working well in the library , the result shows that : the dynamic data acquisition system developed in this project has high practical value .

  25. 根据汽车测试和实验需要,设计了多功能汽车动态数据采集系统,可对汽车整车的动力性、燃油经济性、制动性主要参数进行适时采集和数据处理。

    Due to automotive performances test , a multi-function real-time data acquisition system is designed , which can measure the performances of automotive dynamics , fuel economics and brake .

  26. 本文以某型航空发动机燃油调节系统的升压限制器为例,简要地介绍了一种动态数据采集与处理系统的应用。

    This paper briefly introduces an application of dynamic data acquisition and processing system in an example with the pressure increasing limiter of a fuel control system of an aeroengine .

  27. 本项目为就业指导中心、学校、用工单位配置二代身份证阅读器,对招聘现场情况全程记录,有效的解决了参加现场招聘会人员的信息验证、动态数据采集。

    In this project , the Guidance Center , schools , and employers are equipped with the second-generation ID card scanner to dynamically validate and collect participants ' personal information .

  28. 对网络软件系统进行了设计,包括:系统软件、用户功能和动态数据采集等应用软件的设计,结合网络安全技术和工厂实际,制定了网络安全控制体系。

    Design the software of network , include system software , applications software of custom function and dynamics data collection . Consider network safety technique and factory practice , establish network safety control system .

  29. 该系统是由工控机来完成对外部设备的动态数据采集和实时控制仿真,由船舶模拟主机气动控制屏和系统软件界面提供给用户生动友好的人机接口。

    In this system , Industry Control Computer was responsible for data acquisition system and real-time control , while simulative Control Screen For Marine Engines and software interface provided users with lively human-machine interface .

  30. 在行程时间的预测上,提出了一种基于实时动态数据采集信息和历史交通信息融合的行程时间预测模型。

    While on the prediction of travel time , a model of the travel time prediction is proposed which based on the data fusion of the dynamic real-time collection data and the historical traffic data .