
  • 网络Animal roleplay
  1. 任意一个生态系统中,各种植物和动物都扮演着特定的角色。

    Plants and animals evolve to fill particular roles within a given ecosystem .

  2. 《老虎观察》也在教育公众关爱这种凶猛动物方面扮演着重要角色。

    Tiger Watch also plays an important role in educating the public about these powerful animals .

  3. 黑色素广泛分布于微生物、植物和动物体内并扮演了重要的生理功能。

    Melanin is distributed widely in microorganisms , plants and animals and plays significant physiological roles .

  4. 牛、羊、马、象等大型草食性动物,则扮演小型昆虫的胃,帮助它们消化草科。

    Those large vegetarian animals , such as cattle , sheep , horse and elephant , act as the stomach of small insects to help them digest grass ;

  5. 霍尔特出版社,28美元。该书有力地审视了人为气候变化在地球环境突变与动物减少中扮演的角色。

    ( Holt , $ 28 . ) A powerful examination of the role of man-made climate change in causing the current spasm of plant and animal loss that threatens the planet .

  6. 身处异化世界的现代作家常常在创作中以动物演员去扮演人类生活中的各种角色,试图从动物的视角去观察和反思人类文明,唤回在文明发展过程中被遗忘的记忆。

    The modern writers in the alienated world often use animal images in their works to play various roles of human life . They try to observe and consider human civilization by the view of animals , and arouse the lost memory on the process of civilization development .

  7. 混沌在人与动物的脑中扮演着重要的角色,混沌周游与Freeman模型被认为与联想记忆或记忆的动态连接有关。

    Chaotic activities play an important role in the human and animal brains , chaotic itinerancy and the Freeman model are believed to be connected with the associative memory , or dynamic link of memory .

  8. 尽管秃鹫不是最吸引人的动物,它们却扮演着重要的清道夫角色。

    And although they may not be the most appealing creatures , vultures form a crucial clean-up team .

  9. 在冯硕的作品中,没有人需要带动物的面具,这里动物本身在扮演着人类。

    In Feng Shuo 's art works , nobody needs to wear masks , the animals miraculously become people .

  10. 胶原蛋白,是所有多细胞动物体内含量最多的一类蛋白,是结缔组织的重要组成部分,是决定结缔组织韧性的主要因素,在动物细胞中扮演结合组织的角色。

    Collagen , a protein that is the highest amount in all multicellular animals , is one of the most important parts in connective tissue of human body . Because it determines the tenacity of connective tissue , it plays an important role that connects tissues in animal body .